Dani Johnson’s Instant Customer Goldmine Part 1
Get Customers, Sell Product & Maximize Your Cashflow
Well, hello, everybody. This is Dani Johnson, and I am definitely excited to be doing this right now, because really, we’ve had thousands of requests for us to teach this particular topic. You’re going to hear some very powerful information that is really going to make a difference in your business.
We are going to show you the five things that we promised you. We are going to show you how to discover the techniques to expose your product 24/7 and get new clients contacting you daily.
We’re going to show you how to gain access to a retail script that helped ordinary, average people hit a 90% closing ratio, literally overnight. We’re going to show you how to answer any question and any objection that you would get and increase your closing ratios ridiculously.
You’re going to learn the three simple steps that lead your customer to place orders with you time and time again, as well as creating an arsenal of satisfied customers and stories that will turn into profits and continue to turn into profits.
And you’re going to find mobilization happening right from that customer base of people that you may already have, or maybe you’re brand new, just now getting started and don’t know how to do squat in your business of whatever kind of retail or marketing that you do of a marketing of a product
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or a service. Understand that we got every kind of profession that’s represented here right now.
And every one of us deal with marketing something, whether you’re marketing a dating service, legal services, insurance, weight loss, nutritional, medical services, mechanics, hair, nails, an actor, an actress, you’re from Hollywood, you’re a writer, whatever, musician, you all have something that it is that you have to offer and to market and how to be able to mobilize a group of people that are going to rally around what it is that you have, to where they are compelled to tell other people about it.
Now, the only reason why we could do this is because we have done it. The only reason why we even have the authority to show you how to do these things is because we’ve literally done these things, no joke. We’ve not read some book that tells you how to be able to market products effectively. I have not read any books on that.
Literally, what we’re going to be showing you is step by step what I did, and what I’ve continued to do to be able to mobilize people, thousands and thousands of people, in very short periods of time to want to rally around what it was that I had to offer them, as well as many others.
I mean, we would be here all night long if I had the opportunity to be able to tell you stories of our clients who have gone from nothing to building an outrageous customer base, to building an outrageous loyal, mobilized group of people that are out there promoting the products, even if they got nothing for it.
So, for those of you this is your very first introduction to me, my name is Dani Johnson. And prior to getting started in business for myself, I was a 19-year-old, uneducated female, who grew up in a very abusive home.
The truth is, is that the home that I grew up in did not sow confidence into me, did not show me stability or security, not any love. Instead, abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional and mental abuse, every kind of abuse you could imagine, I had to suffer through all the way until I was 17 years old, finally completely gone and away from the home that I had grown up in.
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And so, at 19 I started a business for myself, due to a failure equation, not because I thought I could but based on failure – that even if it took me 20 years to figure out what those top millionaires were doing, and if I failed their income by 90 percent, I still would be doing better in business for myself, building a loyal customer base, than I ever would building a customer base for JC Penney’s or McDonald’s. And so, that’s how I got started.
And my first six months, I failed miserably. I possess no skills at all about how to be able to execute a business profitably at all, none. I had zero business experience. I had zero people skills experience, except for what I’d acquired through working at a video store, a dress shop, JC Penney’s and things of that nature.
Never had a really big, great job with great, wonderful benefits and all that kind of stuff. In fact, I was turned down from all those jobs.
So anyway, I got started, and those first six months were miserable, could not get people to try out our products, or even take a look at what the opportunity was to use the products, get it wholesale I needed, or make money by marketing them. Couldn’t get agreement in any direction.
So, after six months of failure, I had learned about a training seminar that was supposed to change everything for me, and the truth is, I thought, “Whatever, as though a seminar’s going to change your life. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Well, I wound up eating my words. I was told if I didn’t go, I might as well quit my business now, because I was going to fail if I didn’t go. I borrowed the money; I rearranged my plans, and I wound up going to that training seminar.
The first eight days, I made $4,000.00. The next month, I brought a bunch of people back with me, because I figured while I was learning, it was important for other people to plug into those people that had expertise in that area, have already gone down those roads and figured out how to get it done, and show the people that I was in business with how to be able to do those kinds of shortcuts, and what they really needed to do to become successful.
Well, I made $11,000.00 after my second seminar. After my third seminar, I made $15,000.00. I continued to go back and I got my check up to $21,000.00 in a month. Shortly after that, I ran off because a girl, coming from where I came from – man, I was easily deceived by a man – wound up getting married on a whim, and within just a few months of being married, he drained my bank account, maxed out my credit cards, and left me with a $35,000.00 debt, $2.03 to my name.
Right now, I was evicted from my house that I was renting a room in. Right now, I’m not kidding you. This is the month of December; this is the month I was homeless and living 3,000 away from anything that was familiar. I want you to imagine, like, right now where we’re at it’s raining. Luckily, I lived in the state of Hawaii, and it wasn’t raining; it was hot.
The truth is that I was devastated financially. My business had been embezzled as a direct result of getting married. My bank accounts were emptied, and my credit cards were maxed out to a $35,000.00 debt.
So, here I had a father that hated me, a mother that abandoned me; I had a husband that had abandoned me; I had all kinds of abuse, only to prove to me that I was a failure, a loser, and I was never going to amount to anything.
Well, I wound up being homeless for the whole month of December. I completely became the biggest loser I could ever become. I wound up going down the direction that my parents had gone.
You know, my home was filled with drugs. And here I said, “I would never do that,” and here I wound up doing all kinds of drugs, living a life of zero moral standards, being completely destructive with the rest of the life that I had and actually entertaining suicide.
And so, after several weeks of being homeless, I found a job as a cocktail waitress and wound up making no money. You know, after two weeks of training, I finally started to take on tips, and I’d make $150.00 in a night, $200 if it was a really good night.
And there was no way I was ever going to be able to pay off my debt with that amount of tips coming in on a nightly basis, working 12 hours shifts, major cock-eyed schedule, working ‘till 3:00 in the morning. And just happy I had a job and grateful, but at the same time, it wasn’t the same as turning over a $21,000.00 check at the age of 21.
So, I wound up starting a business from the trunk of my car at a payphone booth, and this was actually December 26. Many years ago, 1990, is when this happened for me, and I get a little flustered when I talk about that because it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was sitting in that homeless position, completely destitute, broke in every way.
So, December 26, the worst day you could ever start a business, especially a business in the area of weight loss. That was the option that I had. I had purchased this weight loss product over a month before hand, when I still thought I had money, and that’s how I found out I was broke, because the check bounced for that weight loss program.
So, I started with what I had. I had purchased a program. I had not succeeded on the program, but I had something that I could take to market, and I made that happen. I wound up getting started as a rep inside of a company. I hand wrote a flyer. That flyer – I wound up getting a voice mail.
The skills that I had learned in those seminars the year before was developing a rapport with somebody to establish some trust. And this man, on trust, said, “Hey, why don’t you just mail me the check? You don’t need to drive the check all the way over to me. I’ll give you the voice mail number and the code write now.”
I took that voice mail number; I hand wrote it on a flyer, and I wound up getting 25 phone calls in 31⁄2 hours. When I went up to the payphone booth, dropped in some quarters and called it, and I couldn’t believe, my voicemail was full. Made the first few calls – the first call, actually, I bombed.
I had to figure out, “How am I going to be able to market a product that I do not have, I have no brochures for, I have zero credibility in?” I was gaining a pound a day, “I’m homeless; I have no physical phone; I have no physical address; I don’t even have a bank account that’s worthy of collecting money on,” because I was overdrawn.
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So, how in the world do you create a business in the form of retail and retailing a product you know nothing about, retailing something you have no expertise in, you have no personal testimony in, you have no tools to be able to market that product, you have no credibility in the area?
You bounce checks all over town, so who’s going to trust you? You failed in business the year before. How in the world are you going to dig yourself out of this hole? I mean, think about the dynamics here. You couldn’t start from a lesser, worse position in my opinion. I’m sure there’s somebody that wants to argue with me on that, but it was pretty bad.
The truth was, because I had gotten burned in the whole structure of building and developing distributorships, and I ran offices and things of this nature, and I got completely burned – well, all of that was stolen from me. I thought to myself, “I’m never going down that road again. I am just clearly – I want to build a weight loss center.”
That was my whole focus – at the beginning, it was get some money into my pocket, and I knew what I had to do to make that happen, because of the system that I had learned the year before. And so, it’s important that you’re grabbing a few things out of what I’ve already told you.
Number one, you need a system. You must have a system, and if you don’t have one in place, I’m going to give you one tonight. You’ve got to have a system that offers you what it is that you need to be able to succeed financially, as well as helping your customers to succeed.
It’s extremely important that you adapt to a knowledge and understanding of what other successful people have been able to do, working their businesses. And so, I had that. I had at least the foundation for that. I had to work on creating the rest of it, really, on the fly.
I mean, where do you come up with a script to be able to market a product you know nothing about, that you have no credibility in, and you haven’t lost weight on? How do you do that? Well, you have to work it out sometimes. And I’m going to show you how to be able to do that.
So, long story short, my first ten hours, this was from the month, ‘till the last day of the month, my first ten hours I made
$2,000.00 from the trunk of my car at a payphone booth, just straight retail, getting new customers on a product I did not physically have, getting them on a product I didn’t have any pictures of, or brochures of, getting them on a product and having them write me a check for $125.00 out to my name – didn’t have a business name, didn’t have a physical address, wasn’t even sure if the bank would let me cash those checks without taking my customer’s money.
The next month, I’m still working full time as a cocktail waitress. The very next month I made $6,540.00 straight retail. By this point, January 5, I’d gotten myself into an apartment, because that $2,000.00 profit enabled me to put first and last, or whatever, down on an apartment.
If I had not made that $2,000.00 that first ten hours, I still, in the month of January, would have been living homeless again because of how long it takes to accumulate – I mean, come on, I made $1,500.00 my first month working as a cocktail waitress, it was going to take a long time to get myself an apartment in Hawaii. So, thank God for that retail.
The next month, $6,500.00. The next month, I finally got the courage to quite my job, because my job was actually making me less money than it was just sitting on the phone, reading a 15-minute script and collecting funds, helping people lose weight, and mobilizing that group of people, helping them succeed.
And the next month, made over $10,000.00. So look, December 26 to the 31, I made two grand; January 1 to January 31, made $6,500.00; February 1 to February 28, made over $10,000.00; March, made over $14,000.00. So, that $18,000.00 was straight customers, straight retail. How do you do that?
I’m going to show you tonight, so I encourage you to pay very close attention. Take copious notes. You will be getting a recording of this. Don’t depend on you having time later to go back and fill in the blanks. Let’s not be silly here. We know we get busy. This is it; this is fresh, right off the press.
So, from there I wound up teaching other people how to build a customer base. Why? Because that customer base solidified our business, kept us legal, number one, instead of frontloading people with products that they did
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not need. So, every person that I got started in business and established some successfully in a home-based business, they started off with $4,000.00 worth of inventory, which is one of my points of you need to have some kind of an inventory if you plan on retailing some products.
Well, they’d wind up making $2,000.00, the average that my clients or my reps made was $2,000.00 their very first month, putting in about ten hours worth of work. That was the average.
Well, because this system that was developed – and mind you, we’re going to be able to touch on part of the system tonight; we’re going be able to get you started on the system tonight, but there are some very in-depth things that I groomed my organization to be able to do skillfully.
There are certain skill sets that they mastered that help them have a 90 percent closing ratio. I can introduce you to those concepts. The skill sets are something you’re going to have to chase. The system is something you’re going to have to acquire, hold in your hands, and be able to further study and master those skills.
Well, as a direct result of that, my friends, I made a quarter of a million dollars my very first year, by a) establishing a customer base and mobilizing them, taking those that I have mobilized and teaching them how to establish a customer base and how to mobilize those people, putting systems in their hands where they could master some skills that made them unstoppable and gave them a 90 percent closing ratio.
The second year, I made my first million. This all happened by the time I was 23. Now, from there I’ve made millions and millions of dollars, being able to do the same exact thing, establishing a client base, teaching other people how to do the same, exact thing, how to mobilize people that are compelled to tell others about what it is that you’re marketing.
So, we will show you what that is. Get ready, because I’ve got some great information for you. Some of the information’s going seem repetitive to you, and by the way, repetition is the mother of skill. You see, it’s not about what you’ve heard in the past from somebody else, or maybe what you’ve heard in the past from “Live in North Carolina,” or at a “First Steps to Success.” It’s not about that.
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It’s not about what you’ve heard before. What it’s about is what are you doing with the information you have heard, how are you applying it, and what are your results? You can’t try something once and expect to get results out of it. You have to do something over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again to be able to expect some killer results.
So, I know just from the people that I have worked with for years and years and years, the ones that get it are the ones who, by repetition, all of a sudden mother that skill. And so, some of what I’m going to share with you you’ve heard before, some you have not. Others of you are going to get some clarity about how to be able to apply it and what to do with it.
Others of you, it’s going to be fresh, right hot off the press for the very first time, and you’re going end this feeling like a million bucks. You’re going to end this with less of a heavy burden. You’re going to end this with zero confusion on what you should be doing. You’re going to end this with a clear mind and step-by-step simple process to be able to build a large customer base for yourself.
So, let’s go ahead and start with this. First of all, retail is your bread and butter. It’s your bread and butter in your business, and whenever I have ever gotten anybody started in business, that’s what I told them, that in order to solidify your business, you must do a test market of what your product is or service is in your local area.
So, it’s the backbone of your business; it’s what solidifies it; it’s the foundation for it. If in the end, the user is not using the service or the product that you’re marketing, you’re completely missing the boat.
Now, I know also that there are some of you that are saying, “Well, Dani, this doesn’t apply to me because I’m marketing an insurance program.” The part that you need to clearly understand is it doesn’t matter what kind of a product that you’re marketing. The truth is you’ve got to take it from somebody who has made millions of dollars by marketing products.
The reality is that most people get their minds stuck on so much of just their product, that they’re missing the understanding of the people that purchase
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that product. Here’s how, because if you’re a jerk, or you or overloading people with too many facts, that prospect is not going to purchase their product or service from you.
So, I’ve marketed a number of different things, anywhere from environmental to nutritional to skin care to weight loss to Internet services to tools, knowledge. Shoot, when I worked for JC Penney’s, I marketed custom draperies and mini blinds, carpet. I’ve marketed a wide variety of things. I’ve marketed Christian education; I’ve marketed scholarships; I’ve marketed opportunity, careers. Hmm, the list goes on.
The list goes on of the things – marketed real estate. I’ve marketed a number of different things, and what I will tell you is it’s the same foundational skills that got me out of being homeless, that made me that first $2,000.00 in ten hours. It’s the same skills that has helped me market all of those things that I’ve mentioned, and I’m sure there’s other things that I forgot to mention in my history of being in business now for 19 years.
So, get your mindset out of the idea that your product is everything, because there are some skills that you need – to realize that without those skills, without those advanced skills and systems, your products are going to stay on the shelf, and you’re going to have the same old excuses that you get from all of your customers, which is they need to think about it.
So, retail provides an immediate income stream. If you have product, you have money. But if you have no product, you have no money. So, one of the first things that we started our new people on was this, is that if you have product, that is your ATM machine. Don’t go to your ATM machine, go to your product line, go find somebody to market that product to, find the needs of that person and fill them with your product or your service, and there you have cash for that day.
So, let’s go. The foundation – a simple system to be a successful marketer in the area of marketing a product or a service is this, you have to keep it very simple. You see, the general populace responds to what is simple. They have to think about what is complicated; they have to figure out what they don’t understand.
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So, if there’s confusion in the prospect, great chance that they’re not going to do business with you then. And if they’re not going to do business with you right then, there’s a great chance they might not do it with you even later unless you have a powerful follow-up system put in place to where you can capture whatever hole it was that you left wide open, because the market is aggressive, and the market is a competitive market.
And it being competitive means that you better get it while it’s hot, because if you don’t, I’m telling you, your neighbor will. Somebody else is going to pick up where you left off.
So, you have to have basic business tools on hand – order forms, receipts, brochures, business cards, product, even online video testimonials are very important when you’re marketing a product or a service, whether your service is training materials, like danijohnson.com, that’s what we have, that’s what we market now, doesn’t matter.
Weight loss, nutritional, insurance, legal services, medical services, massage therapy, chiropractic, hair, nails, whether you are a product developer – the truth is, you going to have some basic testimonials that promote and solidify what your product does.
So, again, you’ve got to have the basic tools on hand. And you don’t have to, but it’s going to increase your best percentage shot. Remember, I told you I had none of these things in the beginning, and yet when I acquired these things, obviously helped everything to get a little bit easier.
You could do it without anything, but if you want to go that road of working harder, swimming upstream, you go ahead, be my guest. Most people don’t survive swimming upstream.
Okay, so, what do you need? Well, when you’re first starting out, this is what you need; you need to use your product. That’s the first thing that you need to do. You must use your product. If you are not a product of your product, you are nothing but a hypocrite.
I’ve seen so many people try to take an easy way out, and that’s not you that I’m talking to right now, there’s no question, because you wouldn’t have invested the amount of money that you did to even get – so, you’re
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obviously somebody that believes in your product, you believe in what it is that you have, or your service, and so, therefore, you made the investment yourself.
But, don’t assume that everybody that you work with feels the same way. And this is why some of the greatest marketers are people who started with their product line. Some of the greatest people that you’ll find in your company are people who started off as a client first.
And that’s the first thing we’re going to change. From now on, we’re not going to use the name “customer.” The only reason why I’ve been using that term, customer, is because that’s the name that you relate to.
I’m going to change one thing right off the bat. No longer call your customer a customer. A customer – let me tell you who has customers. McDonald’s has customers, JC Penney’s has customers, or Supply Hardware has customers. But let me tell you who has a client. A client is prestigious; attorneys have clients; business professionals have clients.
What does a client denote? It denotes the long-term business relationship. A customer is a wham-bam-thank you ma’am. Thank you, I gave you money; you give me the stuff, and I’m leaving now.
And so, you want to develop strong relationships with people, and so, therefore, don’t call your customers any more – call them clients. That right off the bat changes the prestige of everything that you’re doing.
But what you need to do is use your product as though you were a client of that product. Even better yet, I want you to use that product as though you were the one who invested the outrageous amount of money into it.
The second thing that you need to do is to expose your business. You need to expose it, whether it be through advertising, through the Internet, whether it be through wearing something on your body that promotes it – T-shirt, buttons, what have you.
You need to expose it in a number of different ways, and I’ll go into that, and the third thing is to tell stories. These are three very simple steps that will lead clients right into your client base.
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So, let’s talk about the first one, which is use your product. And I’m sure that you’ve heard this from the company in which – that you purchase on a wholesale basis your products from. First and most important thing is that you have to use it, and you need to teach your new clients how to use it as well. Don’t assume that they know how to use it.
I even know for myself, you know, whenever I have purchased something, if I don’t know how to use it, it sits on my counter for a long time. If there’s no follow-up from the person who has marketed that product to me, it’s a great chance I probably am not going to use it, and there’s a great chance that your clients are not going to use it as well.
Again, at that point they are still just a customer. So, you need to use it yourself; you need to believe in that product, and you need to be a believer so much in it, as though you were the one that invested the hundred thousands into developing that product or service.
What if that was the case? What if it did cost you a hundred thousand dollars to get it, instead of 39.95, or $3,000.00, or $11,000.00? What if you were the one that had to make all the investment and all the legal part of that investment, and all of the literature part of the investment, and, of course, the customer service staff for that investment, and then, of course, the high-tech part of the staff that had to put everything together to make it right?
I mean the list goes on of how much it really costs to produce a product or service. What if that was you? What if you had to put in all that blood, sweat, and tears and worry and stress and anxiety, as well as dealing with the entire staff that had to pull everything together? What if that was you? Would you treat your product any different than the way you’re treating it right now?
Now, you’re thinking, “Dani, what does that have to do with anything? Why does me using my product, or even treating it as though I was the one that made all the investment, what does that have to do with anything?” It has everything to do with everything.
I’m going to say it again; it has everything to do with everything. Why? Well, I’ll tell you this. I ran and operated and manufactured my own
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nutritional line, skin-care line, as well as Chinese medicine type products, and from 1992 to 1996. And I had to know my product inside and out. Why? Well, just the skin-care line alone was a hundred thousand dollars.
I invested an amazing amount of time, an amazing amount of effort, an amazing amount of resources to be able to develop that product line. And so – and it took three years to develop that thing. So, you can be guaranteed that my belief in that was extremely strong. And if you had to invest and risk it all into that, your belief would be extremely strong, too.
So, I want you to treat your product as though you made that investment yourself. Why? Because you attract who you are. How you feel about it is how you’re clients are going to feel about it. If you’re serious about it, they’re going to be serious about it.
The truth is, we reap what we sow. So, if you’re sowing into the marketplace lackadaisical, non-commitment to your product line, well, I will guarantee you the kind of clients that you receive are the ones that are lackadaisical and non-committed to your product line.
So if you want to increase the amount of people that reorder your product, you need to be deadly serious about it yourself, that you’re at the point where you could not live without it yourself. So, you need to get attached to that product line. It needs to be that you wouldn’t think a day not using that service or that product.
You need to not only use it every day, but you need to use it as directed every day. You see, there are some of you marketing a legal service that you don’t even know what all the bells and whistles are of that legal service; you don’t even know what it applies to, or how you would even use it.
Therefore, it’s impossible for you to tell somebody else how to use it.
If you don’t use your product, you are on an absolute track to fail. If you’re marketing anything that is consumable, your best laboratory is your own body. Why? Because you can say, “I took it,” or, “I used it, and this is what happened to me.” So, it’s very important that you’re coming from that perspective. Your body is the best laboratory; you need to use it as directed daily.
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You need to be your own best customer. “Why, Dani? Why do I have to be my own best customer?” Duh, because we reap what we sow. And either you believe in that law of success, or you’re trying to change that law of success. Bottom line – that law ain’t changing any time soon.
You have got to learn how to adapt to what the laws of success are, and one of the major laws of success is we reap what we sow. So if we are our own best client, and we use it as directly, then we can speak that into other people’s lives. We’re coming from a place of authority that Joe Schmo, who’s just trying to make a quick buck, can’t speak from.
There’s a conviction that is in your spirit and in your voice, just like you can hear right now, a conviction in mine. Just like right now, you can hear it; you can receive it. I mean, some of you, you’re feeling it even right now, that I am deadly serious about what I’m talking about. Why? ‘Cause I’ve been down the road, that’s why. I know what it produces.
And so, if you have a passion for that product, so will they. In fact, let me give it to you even better. A better passion for the product is a passion for the results it produces. You see, you don’t sell a product; you sell the results that the prospect is going to receive from using your product.
Get your focus off of the product, except for the fact that you need to be sold on it, and you need to believe in it. Your focus needs to be on the results that that product actually produces, and that’s what you market; you market results – the result of your weight loss, the result of your insurance, the result of your medical services, the result of the insurance packages that you have, the result of the travel services that you’re marketing.
Because, again, if you’re lackadaisical, and you are not passionate about the results that it produces – if you’re lackadaisical about that, then I’m going to tell you, you’re going have a very disloyal, lackadaisical, non-committed group of people that may or may not use your product. They’ll buy it and may not ever use it.
Next, when you use it yourself, you will create your own story. Now mind you, I had a major hindrance when I first got started. But here’s what I did. Now, in the beginning, I did not have a personal testimony for my own
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products. So, what I had to do was tell somebody else’s story. That’s what I had to do.
And write this down, it’s very important. Products and services move through testimonials. I’m going say that again. Products and services move through testimonials. It’s extremely important that you live by that, and when you use it – committed, passionate about the results.
Therefore, you’re seeking results for other people that are using it, product or service. When you’re passionate about seeing the results, then all you’re doing is marketing results, which is so easy to do. Marketing results is easy, and here’s how you’re going to get results with that product.
One of ‘em is, you do need to be completely sold on it, and how. You need to educate yourself on what it is that you have. Now, I’m not talking about spending hours and hours and hours and studying doctor’s tapes and medical journals and all that stuff if you’re in the consumable line, or studying laws and all of that if you’re marketing legal type thing, or even a travel thing.
But it is important – I’m not saying spend hours and hours and hours on it. In your leisure time, obviously, if you’re marketing, you are interested in that field. So, when you’re interested in something, here’s what I’m going to challenge you to do. Turn off your stupid television and pour into yourself of what you’re interested in.
So, here’s a prime example. If travel is something that you’re marketing, then, my friends, you surely should be printing out the Web site that has all that travel information and all the different destinations and comparing prices and stuff like that. This is called leisure time. This is leisure time; this is not your business time, this is leisure time.
Same with nutritionals. You know, if you are marketing nutritionals, then you’re obviously interested in that thing. For example, what do we see the baby boomers buying? What kind of magazines do they buy? They buy all that stuff, AARP; they buy preventative health magazines; they buy things like that that they are concerned with, and that’s what they do in their leisure time.
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They don’t sit there and open up a health magazine while they’re sitting there on their job, when they’re supposed to be working and creating results. They actually spend that time in leisure time, and that’s what I encourage you to do.
So, stay updated on the trend of what it is that you are marketing. Know how good it is, so that you completely believe in it. In fact, I want you to accumulate even documentation for your industry that supports your industry, and I’m talking about for the product or service that you’re marketing.
The statistics – it’s out there; it’s in the newspapers; it’s on the Internet; it’s in magazines; it’s in journals. I mean, it’s all over the place, and again, if that’s your point of interest, turn off Seinfeld, turn off Oprah and start pouring into yourself about what it is that you’re truly interested in. It only builds your conviction when you’ll be able to learn that kind of stuff.
And so, it’s important for you to do that. Again, this is only during your off- time hours. What you need to do after that is you need to forget it. What we also like to do is we like to include, you know, if we’re getting somebody started in – let’s say we found some information in a journal, or a magazine, or whatever, make copies of it, put it in a thank-you card that solidified the service or the product that you are marketing. All right? That solidified it.
So, you’re starting to build the belief in your client, who just purchased your product. Why? Well, they responded to some kind of advertisement; they asked a question concerning something about that, and so, therefore, we know there’s an interest there. So, you want to fill the need of the interest of wanting to know about that kind of information.
And so, you want to give them more stuff about that. Here’s a prime example – me, weight loss. Gosh, forever, I mean, I came from a family that was obese. My mother was 280 pounds; my sister, 300 pounds. Actually, both my sisters topped out at 300 pounds, and here I was, pressing 180 pounds and going in the direction of what my entire family has been in the area of weight.
I had an interest in making sure that I prevented the same cycle that was running through my whole family. So, I’ve always picked up things; I’m
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always reading things, still, even to this day, about maintaining my weight, improving my health, whether it’s – whatever, fat blockers, carb blockers.
You name it whatever there is out there to try I’m the first one to try it. You can ask my office; I’m the test guinea pig on anything concerning those types of products. Why? Because it’s an interest that I have; it’s an interest I’ve had for 17 years now, since I started in the weight loss business.
So, it’s important for you to do that; it’s important for you to feed that kind of stuff to your clients. And again, shut off the stupid television; quit chatting online unless it’s strategic for work; quit having hours and hours sucked into e-mail that does not produce anything for your business, doesn’t produce anything for helping somebody else.
Get out of that kind of nonsense. Turn all that nonsense off, open up something that is directly related to what it is that you’re marketing, and then forget it all. And here’s why, because when you know too much, you have a tendency of talking too much. And the truth is, your customer only is concerned with this, “Does it work, and will it work for me?”
The only thing that answers these questions is a story, whether it’s yours or somebody else’s, the answer to any question or objection is a testimonial, and I’ll be going through that a little bit later.
So, how do I help you with this? Let me just shore something up. You see, I encountered a young woman who had gotten started with me, and in the midst of her getting started, she was desperate; she was absolutely desperate in her life, her finances. I mean, she was living in a basement; she was charging groceries on her Master Card.
She was a college student, graduated with a health degree, and she was desperate. She was broke; she had no money, and she needed to fix some things. Well, she wound up getting started with me, and she said, “Dani, I just have to make a lot of money really fast.” Okay?
Well, let me tell you what to do. I handed her a script; I handed her a flyer. I told her to make me a list of resources of how she was interconnected in the community, people that she could start off with. If you have no money, then this is how you’re going to have to start.
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Well, she wound up mustering up $4,000.00 to get herself an inventory to start with so she could make a $2,000.00 profit right away. But she had no extra money for running some kind of ad, or whatever, and it was fine because we had a tool that she could use and a great system with scripts to be able to produce some great results, and she did.
Well, Kristin’s very first ten hours, and it was about two weeks, because she had a full-time job, she made $2,000.00. She got rid of all 40 of those weight loss programs, and she wound up helping 40 people lose weight.
Well, then Kristin got a little comfortable. Then Kristin wound up changing a few things, and you need to write this down. The worst thing about success is a little bit. Remember early on I said, “You’re going to hear some things that seem repetitive to you, and you’re going to hear some things that you may have heard on ‘Live in North Carolina’ or at a ‘First Steps to Success’”!
And what I said was, that it’s those people that are submitting themselves to repetition that are the ones that are going to master it. And why? Well, because. It’s not about what you have heard in the past that matters. It’s about what you need to hear right now that’s going to push you forward.
And sometimes the thing that you don’t think you need to hear is the thing that you needed more than anything; it’s called living in denial. And so, here was Kristin, that she had the worst thing about success, which was a little bit. She had made that first $2,000.00, and then she decided to change some things.
Well, in changing some things, she wound up changing her results. And so, knowing all the ins and outs about the product, because she had a degree: she had a degree in nutrition. So, at the end of the script, that before all she would do is tell a lot of testimonials, well, what she changed was that she started to offer up and let people know that she had a degree in nutrition.
And so, having a degree in nutrition, she says, “I can answer any of your questions, and all the rest of the people in my company, they don’t have degrees in nutrition at all, but I can even help you formulate a diet that’s
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going be able to work for you, working along with our weight loss program.”
So, she went into puffing up her education, and she went into unloading some of the information that she learned in college out on her prospects. Well, the prospects wound up saying the same thing every single time, “You know what, Kristin, that’s awesome. You know what? I need some time to think about this,” or, “I need to talk to my spouse.”
They wound up giving her some lame excuse not to make the decision right then and there. When she came to me, she said, “I don’t know what happened, but something’s gone wrong. Maybe something happened in the market; maybe people don’t care about losing weight, or maybe something just happened all of a sudden in the economy.”
I said, “Really? In the last two weeks something’s happened, huh?” We found out what it was that changed. What changed was her method changed; the system changed, because she had a little bit of success; she got a little bit cocky, and she decided to offer up more information to her clients.
So, that’s when I said, “When you go to study up on your product, or your service, or your industry, forget it.” Forget what you know. It is for your own, personal belief and conviction, and your personal belief and conviction changes the way you speak. It speaks something completely different through the authority in your tone, the authority in your voice, your body language that you truly believe.
But that information is for your eyes only, and only, too, even pass on a little bit of information to somebody else, but not to be demonstrated, going through all of the ingredients, or all the policies and procedures, or all the facts about what it is that your company has to offer in their product or service line.
The only thing that answers the questions of a prospect is a story. They want to know two things: Does it work, and will it work for me? And remember I said, “You’re not marketing a product; you’re marketing results to people”? And so, the only thing that tells that customer that is the results.
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What’s the result that tells them that your product or service works? Stories. What is the result that tells ‘em it’s going to work for them? Stories, because if it works for somebody else, it will work for them.
So, number two is to expose your product line, or your service. Well, I’m going to give you a number of different ways, but one way I’ll tell you right on in the early beginning was that I used a flyer, and then right after that, I wore a button. I even had some shirts that said, “Ask me about –” and then I had this little name that would have people ask me about losing weight, or whatever, because that’s what I was marketing at the time.
And so, I would use something on my body that would help to promote people asking me questions, just get people to ask me a question. And there are some tools available today that I did not have; however, built 20,000 reps in 2 years on a part-time basis with zero advertising.
And this happened, my friends, through what we call situational prospecting through wearing a button. I could give you countless, countless, countless stories of meeting thousands and thousands of people who ask me about a simple button – a simple button like – that says, “I’ve got a new attitude, ask me how.”
Now, that’s a real general button that anybody can wear, and it could be geared towards anything. You know, somebody can ask you a question like, “Well, why do you have a new attitude?” Okay, well, it could be that your marketing a nutritional supplement that has given you more energy, or helped you sleep better at night, and that’s going to give you a better attitude.
You market products that help intimacy between a husband and a wife. So, could you wear a button that says, “ I have a new attitude, ask me how”? Yes. You could be marketing insurance products. So could you have a new attitude about having an insurance policy that you feel really good and solid about? Sure you can.
And so, this tool that I used many, many years ago, I met thousands of people just through this very simple button that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how.” Well, let me ask you this, some of you are marketing a skin- care line.
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Well, in marketing skin, hair, or nails, is it possible that somebody that uses your product line could have a new attitude because they’re feeling better; they’re looking younger; they’re skin is doing better; they had a problem that they no longer have any more – zits all over the face, whatever? Do you understand?
So – or hair, or whatever. Whatever it is that you’re marketing, this very simple little tool that is a vague but strategic quote that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how” could be used for any product, for any service that is out there. It’s a promotional piece.
And so, I wore a big button on my clothes, and mind you that after going from homeless to making a million dollars, I did stupid things with money, which was buying a ridiculously expensive wardrobe – I had $5,000.00 suits, some of which that I designed myself and had a tailor make one piece just for me, and I’m telling you, I have holes in those clothes from wearing the button. Why? The button is what paid for the clothes.
Yeah, that tiny little – I don’t know, a dollar, what it was, $2.00, whatever the button was, $3.00, $5.00, whatever it was, it was worth it. There’s no question. For those of you that are obviously – are marketing a weight-loss program, duh, “I’ve lost –” and then have a little thing that you can insert how much weight is in there.
You’re going to get asked all the time what that is. But, “I have a new attitude, ask me how,” what a very simple, strategic tool that gets people to ask you a question, and I will show you how to answer that question here in a minute.
So, those are very powerful tool. Now, there’s three different markets, my friends, that you’re going to be marketing to, and there’s also other tools, other than just a button, that you could use to expose your business to other people. What are some of those exposure tools?
First of all, one is brochures. Brochures are a good tool, if they’re written in a form that compels people to want to try your product. Not all brochures are created equal, but even just having any kind of exposure to it – you know, it’s a good thing to have out there. It’s more of what they call image
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advertising, which is important to get the word out about what it is that you’re doing.
The other thing are drawings and contests. You know how you’ve been to fairs, or you’ve been to booths where there’s a drawing, or some kind of a contest. In fact, I’ll tell you a hilarious story. I had purchased a new home some years ago, was – had the beautiful privilege and honor of being able to go in and decorate it any way that I wanted to, which was a complete dream come true, you know, from a homeless person who grew up on poverty, to being able to live in a luxurious, beautiful home.
And there I was at Pier One Imports, cause they have some nice, fun stuff. And I’m at this store, and sure enough, there is a girl who was there, going up to set up her little pink box that had some kind of a drawing attached to it. You know, sign up now for your free whatever, free consultation, or whatever.
And so, there she was, setting up her little box, and I began to use a technique that I will teach you tonight, that actually flipped the tables. She wound up getting started in my business, still working her other cosmetic business, and using both businesses side by side each other, which they were a complement, they were not in opposite ends of the spectrum.
But, you know, people that care about their skin also care about the size of their backside, and so it was a complementary product for what she was doing. Long story short, just from that button – now mind you, I’m standing in line with my items; I’m wearing the button that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how.”
That button can go in any direction, whether you’re marketing a business, and you can say, “I’ve got a new attitude because I have just been able to pay off debt,” or, “I’ve got a new attitude because I’ve got a plan to be able to beef up my retirement,” whatever it is, you can answer anything to that button, and I’ll show you again how to be able to answer that button.
So, here she asked me about my button. She’s setting that thing up; she asked me about my button, and I used some technique that I’ve used for years, and a system that I’ve used for years, and man, flipped that thing around. She wound up getting started with our company, marketing our
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product right alongside with her product as – and now, again, she learned how to do it successfully.
She was failing at her cosmetic business, and the tips and the techniques that she learned through our training seminars, “First Steps to Success,” the system that she learned of communication with people, she learned how to become a one-stop-shop for women, which it was a complete, wholeness of a woman, instead of focusing on just a product line, she was marketing results. And that’s what people are after.
Okay, another way to get exposure is to display your products, or your services, on your desk at your job. Simple – again, no matter what it is that you do, have those things just displayed there. I don’t care what it is. You can have something set up in the corner of your desk; no one can stop you from having something on the corner of your desk.
Most of you assume that they won’t let you, and you’ve got to stop making an idiot out of yourself by assuming they won’t let you. Hello, if you take supplements, and you’ve got your supplements on your desk to remind you to take them, they can’t stop you from doing that. Leave ‘em on the desk.
If it’s skin care, moisturizer, whatever, just leave it on the desk to remind yourself to go ahead and powder yourself up. Whatever it is that you have, leave it there, right on the desk, and display it in that way. You don’t need some big, giant, professional display.
Here’s something that you can have. You could have in those places where there’s a little bit more lenience, have testimonials attached to the product, just simple, little quotes of your clients who have used it and had these kind of results from using this in that amount of time.
Stick it to the label; stick it to the bottom of the label. Maybe even have a little sheet that has some testimonials on it, where people are going to come by, and they see a little thing stuck to the label, you know, just taped on, or whatever, that has this quick little quote testimonial of what that product has done for somebody else, it’s deadly.
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Here’s the other thing, consume your products in front of other people. I got a great story for you. I could tell you stories for hours. Consume your products in front of other people, well, real simple.
You know, I’ve had five children, and again, I’ve been a product of every product on the market for maintaining my weight and keeping my body healthy. I’ve had five men in my family die under the age of 50; most of them die in their age of 40s, all due to heart attacks or drug-related accidents.
And so, I’m a health person; I like to explore those kinds of things; I believe in it, grooming up my kid in the same fashion. They’ve taken vitamins since they were babies. But, so here’s a great idea, so, if you have a product that is a consumable product, and you use that product in front of somebody – for example, we had this little fat blocker, back when fat blockers weren’t even popular.
And so, here I would be having my menu open at a restaurant, and I’ve got my product sitting right there on the table. The waitress is coming over, and I am like going nuts on this menu, “Okay, oh my gosh, okay. I think I want a milk shake, and I think I want some French fries. Can I have them extra crisp please, and let them soak in that grease a little bit longer. And I’ll take a burger with extra cheese and some bacon and avocado. And, oh gosh, actually, I don’t know, it’s hard for me to decide.”
“Well, okay,” the waitress says, “well, let me help you.” “Well, you know, I feel so blessed because I found this stuff that takes all the fat out of the food I’m about to order, so I’m really excited, ‘cause I can eat whatever I want for the first time in my life; I don’t have to worry about doing some major diet. And so, when I get to come to a restaurant like this, I just take these little tablets, and it soaks everything up, and I get to eat it.”
Okay, well, you can all guess what happens after that. Yes, you wind up marketing; yes, you want to get a phone number; yes, you wind up building a rapport; yes, you wind up mobilizing that waitress that would have never found it if I didn’t have that product sitting out there. So, there’s one idea.
Okay, audio CDs; those are very powerful. You see, some of you have doctors representing your nutritional line that have spoken on particular
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herbs or medicines, or the downfall of the entire medical community, or whatever. You know, we have – you might have access to audios like that, certain shows, radio shows, TV shows, where this kind of information has been delivered to support what it is that you have, passing those out, leaving them everywhere.
For example, we have audios even right now, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom,” as well as, “The One Thing Stopping You.” Well, recently on some travels, working with the head of our leadership development department, Jennifer – and Jennifer, every hotel room that she sits in, she leaves a nice note for the woman that had been cleaning the room, and saying, “Thank you for doing such a great job, and here is a gift for you. Go ahead and take it and listen to it.”
So, you could do the same, exact thing. You can leave audios for a couple bucks. They’re just a couple dollars, but it helps to build some curiosity; it helps to, perhaps, get a lead. It’s a cheap lead, if you think about it. If you can get a hold of, like, for example, we have a hundred of those, “Conquering the Financial Kingdoms,” if that applies to what you do.
For example, if you are selling or marketing financial services, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom” goes along with that. If you’re marketing a business, “The One Thing Stopping You,” or even – actually, those two things are for marketing a business, or if your business is marketing financial services.
That’s just two right off the top of my head that I could think of that would apply to that, or even travel services, because it’s about money and being able to travel more, and things like that. So, that is like a couple bucks. I mean, you could get a hundred of those audios for a dollar a piece. You buy ‘em in bundles of a hundred; they’re a buck a piece.
So, it’s a hundred bucks. I don’t know about you, but have you ever purchased a hundred leads, or run an advertising campaign for a hundred dollars? Well, I do know this, the testimonials that we’ve gotten from people leaving these audios in hotel rooms, leaving the audios with a waitress, leaving the audios at your doctor’s office, your chiropractor’s office, leaving those kind of audios wherever it is that you go, leaving it and letting it spread through the school, with the teachers, and leaving it in the
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break room, sending it out as a thank you with a customer, or to existing clientele in a completely different area, these kind of things do drum up business for you.
It’s a couple bucks a piece, give me a break. So, that’s simple, stupid stuff. The other thing is joint ventures. You could do joint ventures with other people, meaning that pushing business two different ways. There might be somebody, let me think – well, first of all, it all depends on what it is that you’re marketing, and so, what I want you to do is make a list of other businesses that could benefit from your clients, and that you could benefit from their clients.
So, how do you work out a joint venture? Well, a joint venture is, okay, well, if you send business my way, I’ll send business your way. Or, it could be this, somebody winding up and being able to promote – you see this with affiliate programs on the Internet. So, with an affiliate, if they’re willing to send out an e-mail blast, you are writing up the promo, they send out the e-mail blast to their people, then you work it out to where they’re going to make a certain percentage on all the sales that come in off the net profits of that particular promotion.
That’s a joint venture; it’s, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” Simple ways to be able to come up with joint ventures, for example, there’s a script. There’s a simple script in the script book. In fact, for those of you that this is like your first time ever hearing anything that we do, we actually have scripts, where all you have to do is read.
Page 34 of the script book, in fact, some of you don’t even know what that is. If you go online right now, in fact, you should have the Web site up and available, cause I’m going to direct you to other places where you can get free information and have access to some free tools that are very beautiful.
Okay, so one of ‘em is the script book. So if you are on the Web right now, click on the tab at the very top that says “Training CDs.” You click on that, it’s going to take you to the very first thing that pops up is the script book and audios.
Well, page 34 has a full-on script of what you would say to network with professionals, where you could set up a joint venture to where it is a
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win/win; it is non-threatening; it’s non-confrontive; you don’t have to be afraid with the verbiage that you’re reading with the script.
It is so simple, and it literally opens the door for that real estate agent to want to push business your way, and you push business their way, even setting up almost in a contract, especially even in real estate. Every one of us markets something that a realtor could benefit from or even use in their gift baskets – you know, like, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom,” or whatever.
Whatever you know that it is that you want to donate samples to, with your information attached to that, and then, because the realtor was willing to push that in that direction, you give it to ‘em at cost, and then you have access to that client. Do you understand what I just said?
So, let’s just say that there’s – that you’ve made some great relationships with the realtors, who are marketing houses, or even selling houses, or bringing in new buyers. So, when they do that, they usually like to give a gift. Now, unfortunately, most of them send things like flowers, or a ham, or something.
Well, what you can do, using the script on page 34 of the script book, is you use that to develop a relationship with that real estate agent, and you push business their way; they push business your way. So, what does that look like?
“Okay, well, listen, I will give this to you at cost if I can get the name and the number of the person that just purchased the house. I just want to follow-up with the customer, make sure they’re using the product right, and they’re getting the results that they want.” It makes the real estate agent look really good, number one, that they were able to give of great value some product or service to their new buyer, okay, or their new seller. Okay, number one.
Number two, the follow-up – and as long as the way you’re approaching your real estate agent is professional, they have no problem working in that kind of a joint venture. The other thing you could set up is, “Hey, I will pay you a percentage of everything that comes in as this client sends in referrals and winds up using more of the product line.” Okay? Simple stuff.
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So, again, page 34 of the script book. It’s called, “The Networking Professional Approach.” It’s being able to do joint ventures with people in mortgage or real estate, doing joint ventures with chiropractors or doctors, doing joint ventures with people in the legal profession – you name it. You think of the profession, this script is designed to speak to that person with an outrageous closing ratio of making the deal happen, to where it is an absolute win/win situation.
Instead of you looking like a fool, and going in and trying to get somebody to do something that you want them to do, instead, you’re creating eager desire in that person to want to work with you.
Here’s another one, updates. Updates is another exposure tool. Updates like – you know, remember I was saying earlier, attaching a little thing to your product that has stories. Well, make sure you update those stories; as you get new ones, put new ones on there.
Also, updating your clients with fresh, new testimonials of other people who have been using a variety of different – if you have a large product line, or a large base of services that you can offer, then with those clients, you’re updating them. You’re letting them know, “Hey, so-and-so tried this, just to encourage you, this is what’s happened to them. If you know anybody that suffers from this, or has a problem with that, or has an issue with their agent concerning that, then this would work out really well for them.” Something like that.
Okay, last on that list is this, is your own personal list of resources. I cannot tell you how important this is. Now, I know that I’m hitting all kinds of barriers with you and pushing all kinds of buttons right now. And why? Because a) I talked to you about wearing a button, first of all.
You know, it all depends on how hungry you are. Some of you, your egos are so big that you won’t prick your little $50.00 blouse or T-shirt. If I was willing to prick a $2,500.00 jacket with a little button, you got to weigh your ego with your bank account and kind of figure out which one weighs more.
The other thing that I know I pushed some buttons on was about your own personal list of resources. Well, I know that some of you – maybe you’ve
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approached people the wrong way. Maybe you approach people aggressively. Maybe you did it totally unprofessionally. Maybe you did it in a way that made ‘em so that they didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
Maybe you sacrificed relationships. Sad – people do it every day, and that really is just because of a lack of skill, a lack of a system that produces results, lack of knowledge and understanding about how to be able to do it and do it right, to where you’re not a slimy, sick, pathetic, unprofessional, amateur sales person.
We’re not talking about raising you up to be one of those. We are talking about having a professional approach, where people are compelled and mobilized to tell other people about what it is that you have. That obviously has to be a bit different than the Kirby vacuum salesperson that came by your door just last week.
It obviously has to be a little bit different than the telemarketer that called you that you hung up on tonight. There has to be a bit of a different approach that would mobilize a group that would mobilize testimonials that would mobilize referrals. There has to be a different way, because there’s no way that it’s in the same way where you hang up on people, or you don’t want to refer any business to somebody.
Do you understand what I’m saying? There has to be a different approach. And so, this – what I’m talking to you right now, I know I already pushed some buttons with you. You’ve got to weigh your ego with your bank account, because what if you knew a way to approach your own personal list of resources, or even to approach those professionals that I just finished talking about, that there’s a script on page 34 and 35 that lays it all out for you.
There’s no thinking; all there is, is reading. That’s it. So, what if there was a way that you could learn how, in a very professional way, to mobilize people to want to give you referrals, to mobilize people to want your products monthly? And what if had nothing to do with your product that you’re marketing? What if it had nothing to do with it, meaning I have watched nasty, pathetic, terrible products make billions of dollars.
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I have also watched nasty, pathetic products fail, as well as I’ve seen phenomenal, excellent, amazing services and products that fail, at the same time watching those same excellent, phenomenal products and services do billions of dollars. What’s the difference? Wasn’t the product.
Come on, if it was all about the product and product quality, Wal-Mart would be out of business. It’s not about that. If it was only about that, then only the Nordstrom’s of the world would be in business, and that’s not the case.
So, you want to get over this thing about, “Oh, I can’t. Instead of pushing up barriers, when I’m talking about something, instead of pushing up barriers, or say, “Oh, I don’t have a list of resources; I don’t know anybody. I’m embarrassed to go talk to my friends and family about what I have.”
Well, then you obviously don’t believe in what you have, number one. Number two, you can go ahead and stay in that barrier, or you could just come to the revelation of, “Yes, I’ve done that in the past, and it did not work. Yes, I’ve done that in the past, and it was frustrating.
“And the reason why it didn’t work, and the reason why it was frustrating is because I reaped what I sowed. Because the approach that I did reaped people who were not interested. Because the approach that I used reaped people that would not return my phone calls. The approach that I sowed reaped people not giving me referrals.”
That’s because of what your current level of skill set and system that you had. We’re talking about learning a system that compels people to tell others about what you do and what you have. That’s a totally different approach.
So, what I want you to do is I want you to just go along with me, because of the time. By the time we’re done with this, you will have at least direction on what you should be doing; you’ll have some new skill sets on how to do it, and you’ll be pointed in the right direction, where you can behold a system and skill sets that you will master through time that will make you a fortune.
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Not only make you a fortune, but produce results that you can’t even keep up with, meaning you will have so many stories from so many people, you will not be able to keep up with it.
So, start with your list of resources. That list of resources for a client base needs to be at least 400 names. It is said that we are all, by the time we’re 20 years old, know 2,000 people. So 400 ain’t nothin’ to come up with.
Here is a fact. You see, a fact is that when I first got started in that business that helped me to get out of being homeless and become a millionaire, the fact is, I started as a client. That’s what I started as, actually, a customer, ‘cause this woman was clueless on follow-up.
I started as a customer, and I had purchased some weight-loss program, and here’s how it went. I started on this product, and I didn’t begin to lose anything at first. It was within the first few days that I had it, and this was before I was homeless. It was the last couple weeks, last week in November some time.
I had not yet known that my check had bounced, so, I had not yet known about my horrible husband experience. I’m sitting on a beach with four other girls. These four girls are all au pairs from Europe. They were tall, 6' something, blonde, dark skin, gorgeous women, but they all (because they had become an au pair and they’d been living in Hawaii for about a year) all had put on a good 50 pounds or more.
Well, we’re sitting around, and we’re just talking about whatever. I’m, again – I’m not in my business. I just got started on that product. I have no idea what the results are, and all of a sudden, they’re talking about New Year’s resolutions that are coming up.
So, I say to them, “Well, you know what? It’s funny that you say that. I just got started on something, and I just now started on it, but the woman that I got it from has lost 150 pounds. I don’t know how it all works, any of that kind of stuff, but all I now is she’s lost 150 pounds, and she’s helped quite a few other people lose some weight.”
And the girls came unglued. “What? Oh, my gosh. How do we find this stuff? Will you go call her for us? We need to get a hold of it, how much
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was it? I mean, how do I get it? I don’t care what the cost is; I gotta lose weight.
“I mean, January’s coming up, and I’ve got family coming from Europe and – oh, my gosh, they can’t see me like this. I’ve had to go up a couple sizes in my bathing suit, and Hawaii’s not the place to be busting out of my bathing suit. Can you – could you help me out? I mean, how do we get a hold of her?”
And I said, “Well, shoot, here’s her phone number, give her a call.” “No, no, no, no, no, please, will you call her for us?” So, we walk up the hill to get to the payphone booth, I call the woman, and I let her know that I had four referrals for her, right off the bat. She had – I said, “I got four women that would like to try this stuff.”
And she said, “Oh, really? Well, Dani, by the way, your check has bounced and you need to figure out how to pay me the $125.00. So, if you just enroll and you just sign this little document that makes you a representative of our company, you won’t owe me a dime because of the amount – the profits that you made off of each one of these packages.”
I said, “I want nothing to do with your little business, no thank you. I have these four referrals for you.” She said, “Okay, well, you’re going to have to figure out a way to pay me back the $125.00.”
Okay, then. Well, long story short, that’s how I got started. And those first four girls received that stuff. I wound up getting backed into that business because of the check that bounced, and she winds up getting these four girls started on their program, and they wind up, right away, the first week starting to see results, and they immediately start telling other people about it.
Well, right away, here I had 11 customers out of thin air, not even trying to build – this was just what? Relationship. These were people that I knew; they were girls that I met each week on the beach. Man, we used to go camping on the beach together. This was – these were friends, acquaintances, so to speak (if I had friends at that time).
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So, anyway, that’s how that worked. That worked for my own personal list of resources, as 4 turned to 11. And then there I was, destitute, going, “Okay, what do I have going for me? I guess I got this little weight loss thing; I guess I got this business thing; I might as well run with it,” and started doing some advertising and running with it and making all kinds of money.
So, start with that personal list of resources. Everything that we’ve ever done, we have started with that personal list of resources. So, I can’t encourage you enough to do that. You’d be surprised what’s there. Now, I know you’re thinking, “But, Dani, what do I say?”
Well, this is really simple because there’s a couple of different options of what you can say. In our script book, that same script book that you just saw and you clicked on, well, in there, also, there’s several different scripts for retail. One of ‘em is our test market script. The test market script is profound; it’s on page 27 as well as 28. These test market scripts are strategically for products, as well as the practice approach, either one of the practice approaches.
So, anywhere from page 27 all the way to 32, each one of these actually – 33 as well, opinion – any one of these can be used for marketing a product. The whole point is just getting face to face with that prospect.
The other thing that can be used is on page 38, as well as page 40. These scripts inside this book are geared towards retail. You can use them for building a business as well, but they were written for retail. The other one over here, page 44, is an example of a retail script, and that’s what I had done, is I developed a retail script, which I’ll go to in just a couple minutes.
We are going to show you the five things that we promised you. We are going to show you how to discover the techniques to expose your product 24/7 and get new clients contacting you daily.
We’re going to show you how to gain access to a retail script that helped ordinary, average people hit a 90% closing ratio, literally overnight. We’re going to show you how to answer any question and any objection that you would get and increase your closing ratios ridiculously.
You’re going to learn the three simple steps that lead your customer to place orders with you time and time again, as well as creating an arsenal of satisfied customers and stories that will turn into profits and continue to turn into profits.
And you’re going to find mobilization happening right from that customer base of people that you may already have, or maybe you’re brand new, just now getting started and don’t know how to do squat in your business of whatever kind of retail or marketing that you do of a marketing of a product
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or a service. Understand that we got every kind of profession that’s represented here right now.
And every one of us deal with marketing something, whether you’re marketing a dating service, legal services, insurance, weight loss, nutritional, medical services, mechanics, hair, nails, an actor, an actress, you’re from Hollywood, you’re a writer, whatever, musician, you all have something that it is that you have to offer and to market and how to be able to mobilize a group of people that are going to rally around what it is that you have, to where they are compelled to tell other people about it.
Now, the only reason why we could do this is because we have done it. The only reason why we even have the authority to show you how to do these things is because we’ve literally done these things, no joke. We’ve not read some book that tells you how to be able to market products effectively. I have not read any books on that.
Literally, what we’re going to be showing you is step by step what I did, and what I’ve continued to do to be able to mobilize people, thousands and thousands of people, in very short periods of time to want to rally around what it was that I had to offer them, as well as many others.
I mean, we would be here all night long if I had the opportunity to be able to tell you stories of our clients who have gone from nothing to building an outrageous customer base, to building an outrageous loyal, mobilized group of people that are out there promoting the products, even if they got nothing for it.
So, for those of you this is your very first introduction to me, my name is Dani Johnson. And prior to getting started in business for myself, I was a 19-year-old, uneducated female, who grew up in a very abusive home.
The truth is, is that the home that I grew up in did not sow confidence into me, did not show me stability or security, not any love. Instead, abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional and mental abuse, every kind of abuse you could imagine, I had to suffer through all the way until I was 17 years old, finally completely gone and away from the home that I had grown up in.
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And so, at 19 I started a business for myself, due to a failure equation, not because I thought I could but based on failure – that even if it took me 20 years to figure out what those top millionaires were doing, and if I failed their income by 90 percent, I still would be doing better in business for myself, building a loyal customer base, than I ever would building a customer base for JC Penney’s or McDonald’s. And so, that’s how I got started.
And my first six months, I failed miserably. I possess no skills at all about how to be able to execute a business profitably at all, none. I had zero business experience. I had zero people skills experience, except for what I’d acquired through working at a video store, a dress shop, JC Penney’s and things of that nature.
Never had a really big, great job with great, wonderful benefits and all that kind of stuff. In fact, I was turned down from all those jobs.
So anyway, I got started, and those first six months were miserable, could not get people to try out our products, or even take a look at what the opportunity was to use the products, get it wholesale I needed, or make money by marketing them. Couldn’t get agreement in any direction.
So, after six months of failure, I had learned about a training seminar that was supposed to change everything for me, and the truth is, I thought, “Whatever, as though a seminar’s going to change your life. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Well, I wound up eating my words. I was told if I didn’t go, I might as well quit my business now, because I was going to fail if I didn’t go. I borrowed the money; I rearranged my plans, and I wound up going to that training seminar.
The first eight days, I made $4,000.00. The next month, I brought a bunch of people back with me, because I figured while I was learning, it was important for other people to plug into those people that had expertise in that area, have already gone down those roads and figured out how to get it done, and show the people that I was in business with how to be able to do those kinds of shortcuts, and what they really needed to do to become successful.
Well, I made $11,000.00 after my second seminar. After my third seminar, I made $15,000.00. I continued to go back and I got my check up to $21,000.00 in a month. Shortly after that, I ran off because a girl, coming from where I came from – man, I was easily deceived by a man – wound up getting married on a whim, and within just a few months of being married, he drained my bank account, maxed out my credit cards, and left me with a $35,000.00 debt, $2.03 to my name.
Right now, I was evicted from my house that I was renting a room in. Right now, I’m not kidding you. This is the month of December; this is the month I was homeless and living 3,000 away from anything that was familiar. I want you to imagine, like, right now where we’re at it’s raining. Luckily, I lived in the state of Hawaii, and it wasn’t raining; it was hot.
The truth is that I was devastated financially. My business had been embezzled as a direct result of getting married. My bank accounts were emptied, and my credit cards were maxed out to a $35,000.00 debt.
So, here I had a father that hated me, a mother that abandoned me; I had a husband that had abandoned me; I had all kinds of abuse, only to prove to me that I was a failure, a loser, and I was never going to amount to anything.
Well, I wound up being homeless for the whole month of December. I completely became the biggest loser I could ever become. I wound up going down the direction that my parents had gone.
You know, my home was filled with drugs. And here I said, “I would never do that,” and here I wound up doing all kinds of drugs, living a life of zero moral standards, being completely destructive with the rest of the life that I had and actually entertaining suicide.
And so, after several weeks of being homeless, I found a job as a cocktail waitress and wound up making no money. You know, after two weeks of training, I finally started to take on tips, and I’d make $150.00 in a night, $200 if it was a really good night.
And there was no way I was ever going to be able to pay off my debt with that amount of tips coming in on a nightly basis, working 12 hours shifts, major cock-eyed schedule, working ‘till 3:00 in the morning. And just happy I had a job and grateful, but at the same time, it wasn’t the same as turning over a $21,000.00 check at the age of 21.
So, I wound up starting a business from the trunk of my car at a payphone booth, and this was actually December 26. Many years ago, 1990, is when this happened for me, and I get a little flustered when I talk about that because it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was sitting in that homeless position, completely destitute, broke in every way.
So, December 26, the worst day you could ever start a business, especially a business in the area of weight loss. That was the option that I had. I had purchased this weight loss product over a month before hand, when I still thought I had money, and that’s how I found out I was broke, because the check bounced for that weight loss program.
So, I started with what I had. I had purchased a program. I had not succeeded on the program, but I had something that I could take to market, and I made that happen. I wound up getting started as a rep inside of a company. I hand wrote a flyer. That flyer – I wound up getting a voice mail.
The skills that I had learned in those seminars the year before was developing a rapport with somebody to establish some trust. And this man, on trust, said, “Hey, why don’t you just mail me the check? You don’t need to drive the check all the way over to me. I’ll give you the voice mail number and the code write now.”
I took that voice mail number; I hand wrote it on a flyer, and I wound up getting 25 phone calls in 31⁄2 hours. When I went up to the payphone booth, dropped in some quarters and called it, and I couldn’t believe, my voicemail was full. Made the first few calls – the first call, actually, I bombed.
I had to figure out, “How am I going to be able to market a product that I do not have, I have no brochures for, I have zero credibility in?” I was gaining a pound a day, “I’m homeless; I have no physical phone; I have no physical address; I don’t even have a bank account that’s worthy of collecting money on,” because I was overdrawn.
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So, how in the world do you create a business in the form of retail and retailing a product you know nothing about, retailing something you have no expertise in, you have no personal testimony in, you have no tools to be able to market that product, you have no credibility in the area?
You bounce checks all over town, so who’s going to trust you? You failed in business the year before. How in the world are you going to dig yourself out of this hole? I mean, think about the dynamics here. You couldn’t start from a lesser, worse position in my opinion. I’m sure there’s somebody that wants to argue with me on that, but it was pretty bad.
The truth was, because I had gotten burned in the whole structure of building and developing distributorships, and I ran offices and things of this nature, and I got completely burned – well, all of that was stolen from me. I thought to myself, “I’m never going down that road again. I am just clearly – I want to build a weight loss center.”
That was my whole focus – at the beginning, it was get some money into my pocket, and I knew what I had to do to make that happen, because of the system that I had learned the year before. And so, it’s important that you’re grabbing a few things out of what I’ve already told you.
Number one, you need a system. You must have a system, and if you don’t have one in place, I’m going to give you one tonight. You’ve got to have a system that offers you what it is that you need to be able to succeed financially, as well as helping your customers to succeed.
It’s extremely important that you adapt to a knowledge and understanding of what other successful people have been able to do, working their businesses. And so, I had that. I had at least the foundation for that. I had to work on creating the rest of it, really, on the fly.
I mean, where do you come up with a script to be able to market a product you know nothing about, that you have no credibility in, and you haven’t lost weight on? How do you do that? Well, you have to work it out sometimes. And I’m going to show you how to be able to do that.
So, long story short, my first ten hours, this was from the month, ‘till the last day of the month, my first ten hours I made
$2,000.00 from the trunk of my car at a payphone booth, just straight retail, getting new customers on a product I did not physically have, getting them on a product I didn’t have any pictures of, or brochures of, getting them on a product and having them write me a check for $125.00 out to my name – didn’t have a business name, didn’t have a physical address, wasn’t even sure if the bank would let me cash those checks without taking my customer’s money.
The next month, I’m still working full time as a cocktail waitress. The very next month I made $6,540.00 straight retail. By this point, January 5, I’d gotten myself into an apartment, because that $2,000.00 profit enabled me to put first and last, or whatever, down on an apartment.
If I had not made that $2,000.00 that first ten hours, I still, in the month of January, would have been living homeless again because of how long it takes to accumulate – I mean, come on, I made $1,500.00 my first month working as a cocktail waitress, it was going to take a long time to get myself an apartment in Hawaii. So, thank God for that retail.
The next month, $6,500.00. The next month, I finally got the courage to quite my job, because my job was actually making me less money than it was just sitting on the phone, reading a 15-minute script and collecting funds, helping people lose weight, and mobilizing that group of people, helping them succeed.
And the next month, made over $10,000.00. So look, December 26 to the 31, I made two grand; January 1 to January 31, made $6,500.00; February 1 to February 28, made over $10,000.00; March, made over $14,000.00. So, that $18,000.00 was straight customers, straight retail. How do you do that?
I’m going to show you tonight, so I encourage you to pay very close attention. Take copious notes. You will be getting a recording of this. Don’t depend on you having time later to go back and fill in the blanks. Let’s not be silly here. We know we get busy. This is it; this is fresh, right off the press.
So, from there I wound up teaching other people how to build a customer base. Why? Because that customer base solidified our business, kept us legal, number one, instead of frontloading people with products that they did
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not need. So, every person that I got started in business and established some successfully in a home-based business, they started off with $4,000.00 worth of inventory, which is one of my points of you need to have some kind of an inventory if you plan on retailing some products.
Well, they’d wind up making $2,000.00, the average that my clients or my reps made was $2,000.00 their very first month, putting in about ten hours worth of work. That was the average.
Well, because this system that was developed – and mind you, we’re going to be able to touch on part of the system tonight; we’re going be able to get you started on the system tonight, but there are some very in-depth things that I groomed my organization to be able to do skillfully.
There are certain skill sets that they mastered that help them have a 90 percent closing ratio. I can introduce you to those concepts. The skill sets are something you’re going to have to chase. The system is something you’re going to have to acquire, hold in your hands, and be able to further study and master those skills.
Well, as a direct result of that, my friends, I made a quarter of a million dollars my very first year, by a) establishing a customer base and mobilizing them, taking those that I have mobilized and teaching them how to establish a customer base and how to mobilize those people, putting systems in their hands where they could master some skills that made them unstoppable and gave them a 90 percent closing ratio.
The second year, I made my first million. This all happened by the time I was 23. Now, from there I’ve made millions and millions of dollars, being able to do the same exact thing, establishing a client base, teaching other people how to do the same, exact thing, how to mobilize people that are compelled to tell others about what it is that you’re marketing.
So, we will show you what that is. Get ready, because I’ve got some great information for you. Some of the information’s going seem repetitive to you, and by the way, repetition is the mother of skill. You see, it’s not about what you’ve heard in the past from somebody else, or maybe what you’ve heard in the past from “Live in North Carolina,” or at a “First Steps to Success.” It’s not about that.
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It’s not about what you’ve heard before. What it’s about is what are you doing with the information you have heard, how are you applying it, and what are your results? You can’t try something once and expect to get results out of it. You have to do something over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again to be able to expect some killer results.
So, I know just from the people that I have worked with for years and years and years, the ones that get it are the ones who, by repetition, all of a sudden mother that skill. And so, some of what I’m going to share with you you’ve heard before, some you have not. Others of you are going to get some clarity about how to be able to apply it and what to do with it.
Others of you, it’s going to be fresh, right hot off the press for the very first time, and you’re going end this feeling like a million bucks. You’re going to end this with less of a heavy burden. You’re going to end this with zero confusion on what you should be doing. You’re going to end this with a clear mind and step-by-step simple process to be able to build a large customer base for yourself.
So, let’s go ahead and start with this. First of all, retail is your bread and butter. It’s your bread and butter in your business, and whenever I have ever gotten anybody started in business, that’s what I told them, that in order to solidify your business, you must do a test market of what your product is or service is in your local area.
So, it’s the backbone of your business; it’s what solidifies it; it’s the foundation for it. If in the end, the user is not using the service or the product that you’re marketing, you’re completely missing the boat.
Now, I know also that there are some of you that are saying, “Well, Dani, this doesn’t apply to me because I’m marketing an insurance program.” The part that you need to clearly understand is it doesn’t matter what kind of a product that you’re marketing. The truth is you’ve got to take it from somebody who has made millions of dollars by marketing products.
The reality is that most people get their minds stuck on so much of just their product, that they’re missing the understanding of the people that purchase
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that product. Here’s how, because if you’re a jerk, or you or overloading people with too many facts, that prospect is not going to purchase their product or service from you.
So, I’ve marketed a number of different things, anywhere from environmental to nutritional to skin care to weight loss to Internet services to tools, knowledge. Shoot, when I worked for JC Penney’s, I marketed custom draperies and mini blinds, carpet. I’ve marketed a wide variety of things. I’ve marketed Christian education; I’ve marketed scholarships; I’ve marketed opportunity, careers. Hmm, the list goes on.
The list goes on of the things – marketed real estate. I’ve marketed a number of different things, and what I will tell you is it’s the same foundational skills that got me out of being homeless, that made me that first $2,000.00 in ten hours. It’s the same skills that has helped me market all of those things that I’ve mentioned, and I’m sure there’s other things that I forgot to mention in my history of being in business now for 19 years.
So, get your mindset out of the idea that your product is everything, because there are some skills that you need – to realize that without those skills, without those advanced skills and systems, your products are going to stay on the shelf, and you’re going to have the same old excuses that you get from all of your customers, which is they need to think about it.
So, retail provides an immediate income stream. If you have product, you have money. But if you have no product, you have no money. So, one of the first things that we started our new people on was this, is that if you have product, that is your ATM machine. Don’t go to your ATM machine, go to your product line, go find somebody to market that product to, find the needs of that person and fill them with your product or your service, and there you have cash for that day.
So, let’s go. The foundation – a simple system to be a successful marketer in the area of marketing a product or a service is this, you have to keep it very simple. You see, the general populace responds to what is simple. They have to think about what is complicated; they have to figure out what they don’t understand.
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So, if there’s confusion in the prospect, great chance that they’re not going to do business with you then. And if they’re not going to do business with you right then, there’s a great chance they might not do it with you even later unless you have a powerful follow-up system put in place to where you can capture whatever hole it was that you left wide open, because the market is aggressive, and the market is a competitive market.
And it being competitive means that you better get it while it’s hot, because if you don’t, I’m telling you, your neighbor will. Somebody else is going to pick up where you left off.
So, you have to have basic business tools on hand – order forms, receipts, brochures, business cards, product, even online video testimonials are very important when you’re marketing a product or a service, whether your service is training materials, like danijohnson.com, that’s what we have, that’s what we market now, doesn’t matter.
Weight loss, nutritional, insurance, legal services, medical services, massage therapy, chiropractic, hair, nails, whether you are a product developer – the truth is, you going to have some basic testimonials that promote and solidify what your product does.
So, again, you’ve got to have the basic tools on hand. And you don’t have to, but it’s going to increase your best percentage shot. Remember, I told you I had none of these things in the beginning, and yet when I acquired these things, obviously helped everything to get a little bit easier.
You could do it without anything, but if you want to go that road of working harder, swimming upstream, you go ahead, be my guest. Most people don’t survive swimming upstream.
Okay, so, what do you need? Well, when you’re first starting out, this is what you need; you need to use your product. That’s the first thing that you need to do. You must use your product. If you are not a product of your product, you are nothing but a hypocrite.
I’ve seen so many people try to take an easy way out, and that’s not you that I’m talking to right now, there’s no question, because you wouldn’t have invested the amount of money that you did to even get – so, you’re
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obviously somebody that believes in your product, you believe in what it is that you have, or your service, and so, therefore, you made the investment yourself.
But, don’t assume that everybody that you work with feels the same way. And this is why some of the greatest marketers are people who started with their product line. Some of the greatest people that you’ll find in your company are people who started off as a client first.
And that’s the first thing we’re going to change. From now on, we’re not going to use the name “customer.” The only reason why I’ve been using that term, customer, is because that’s the name that you relate to.
I’m going to change one thing right off the bat. No longer call your customer a customer. A customer – let me tell you who has customers. McDonald’s has customers, JC Penney’s has customers, or Supply Hardware has customers. But let me tell you who has a client. A client is prestigious; attorneys have clients; business professionals have clients.
What does a client denote? It denotes the long-term business relationship. A customer is a wham-bam-thank you ma’am. Thank you, I gave you money; you give me the stuff, and I’m leaving now.
And so, you want to develop strong relationships with people, and so, therefore, don’t call your customers any more – call them clients. That right off the bat changes the prestige of everything that you’re doing.
But what you need to do is use your product as though you were a client of that product. Even better yet, I want you to use that product as though you were the one who invested the outrageous amount of money into it.
The second thing that you need to do is to expose your business. You need to expose it, whether it be through advertising, through the Internet, whether it be through wearing something on your body that promotes it – T-shirt, buttons, what have you.
You need to expose it in a number of different ways, and I’ll go into that, and the third thing is to tell stories. These are three very simple steps that will lead clients right into your client base.
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So, let’s talk about the first one, which is use your product. And I’m sure that you’ve heard this from the company in which – that you purchase on a wholesale basis your products from. First and most important thing is that you have to use it, and you need to teach your new clients how to use it as well. Don’t assume that they know how to use it.
I even know for myself, you know, whenever I have purchased something, if I don’t know how to use it, it sits on my counter for a long time. If there’s no follow-up from the person who has marketed that product to me, it’s a great chance I probably am not going to use it, and there’s a great chance that your clients are not going to use it as well.
Again, at that point they are still just a customer. So, you need to use it yourself; you need to believe in that product, and you need to be a believer so much in it, as though you were the one that invested the hundred thousands into developing that product or service.
What if that was the case? What if it did cost you a hundred thousand dollars to get it, instead of 39.95, or $3,000.00, or $11,000.00? What if you were the one that had to make all the investment and all the legal part of that investment, and all of the literature part of the investment, and, of course, the customer service staff for that investment, and then, of course, the high-tech part of the staff that had to put everything together to make it right?
I mean the list goes on of how much it really costs to produce a product or service. What if that was you? What if you had to put in all that blood, sweat, and tears and worry and stress and anxiety, as well as dealing with the entire staff that had to pull everything together? What if that was you? Would you treat your product any different than the way you’re treating it right now?
Now, you’re thinking, “Dani, what does that have to do with anything? Why does me using my product, or even treating it as though I was the one that made all the investment, what does that have to do with anything?” It has everything to do with everything.
I’m going to say it again; it has everything to do with everything. Why? Well, I’ll tell you this. I ran and operated and manufactured my own
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nutritional line, skin-care line, as well as Chinese medicine type products, and from 1992 to 1996. And I had to know my product inside and out. Why? Well, just the skin-care line alone was a hundred thousand dollars.
I invested an amazing amount of time, an amazing amount of effort, an amazing amount of resources to be able to develop that product line. And so – and it took three years to develop that thing. So, you can be guaranteed that my belief in that was extremely strong. And if you had to invest and risk it all into that, your belief would be extremely strong, too.
So, I want you to treat your product as though you made that investment yourself. Why? Because you attract who you are. How you feel about it is how you’re clients are going to feel about it. If you’re serious about it, they’re going to be serious about it.
The truth is, we reap what we sow. So, if you’re sowing into the marketplace lackadaisical, non-commitment to your product line, well, I will guarantee you the kind of clients that you receive are the ones that are lackadaisical and non-committed to your product line.
So if you want to increase the amount of people that reorder your product, you need to be deadly serious about it yourself, that you’re at the point where you could not live without it yourself. So, you need to get attached to that product line. It needs to be that you wouldn’t think a day not using that service or that product.
You need to not only use it every day, but you need to use it as directed every day. You see, there are some of you marketing a legal service that you don’t even know what all the bells and whistles are of that legal service; you don’t even know what it applies to, or how you would even use it.
Therefore, it’s impossible for you to tell somebody else how to use it.
If you don’t use your product, you are on an absolute track to fail. If you’re marketing anything that is consumable, your best laboratory is your own body. Why? Because you can say, “I took it,” or, “I used it, and this is what happened to me.” So, it’s very important that you’re coming from that perspective. Your body is the best laboratory; you need to use it as directed daily.
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You need to be your own best customer. “Why, Dani? Why do I have to be my own best customer?” Duh, because we reap what we sow. And either you believe in that law of success, or you’re trying to change that law of success. Bottom line – that law ain’t changing any time soon.
You have got to learn how to adapt to what the laws of success are, and one of the major laws of success is we reap what we sow. So if we are our own best client, and we use it as directly, then we can speak that into other people’s lives. We’re coming from a place of authority that Joe Schmo, who’s just trying to make a quick buck, can’t speak from.
There’s a conviction that is in your spirit and in your voice, just like you can hear right now, a conviction in mine. Just like right now, you can hear it; you can receive it. I mean, some of you, you’re feeling it even right now, that I am deadly serious about what I’m talking about. Why? ‘Cause I’ve been down the road, that’s why. I know what it produces.
And so, if you have a passion for that product, so will they. In fact, let me give it to you even better. A better passion for the product is a passion for the results it produces. You see, you don’t sell a product; you sell the results that the prospect is going to receive from using your product.
Get your focus off of the product, except for the fact that you need to be sold on it, and you need to believe in it. Your focus needs to be on the results that that product actually produces, and that’s what you market; you market results – the result of your weight loss, the result of your insurance, the result of your medical services, the result of the insurance packages that you have, the result of the travel services that you’re marketing.
Because, again, if you’re lackadaisical, and you are not passionate about the results that it produces – if you’re lackadaisical about that, then I’m going to tell you, you’re going have a very disloyal, lackadaisical, non-committed group of people that may or may not use your product. They’ll buy it and may not ever use it.
Next, when you use it yourself, you will create your own story. Now mind you, I had a major hindrance when I first got started. But here’s what I did. Now, in the beginning, I did not have a personal testimony for my own
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products. So, what I had to do was tell somebody else’s story. That’s what I had to do.
And write this down, it’s very important. Products and services move through testimonials. I’m going say that again. Products and services move through testimonials. It’s extremely important that you live by that, and when you use it – committed, passionate about the results.
Therefore, you’re seeking results for other people that are using it, product or service. When you’re passionate about seeing the results, then all you’re doing is marketing results, which is so easy to do. Marketing results is easy, and here’s how you’re going to get results with that product.
One of ‘em is, you do need to be completely sold on it, and how. You need to educate yourself on what it is that you have. Now, I’m not talking about spending hours and hours and hours and studying doctor’s tapes and medical journals and all that stuff if you’re in the consumable line, or studying laws and all of that if you’re marketing legal type thing, or even a travel thing.
But it is important – I’m not saying spend hours and hours and hours on it. In your leisure time, obviously, if you’re marketing, you are interested in that field. So, when you’re interested in something, here’s what I’m going to challenge you to do. Turn off your stupid television and pour into yourself of what you’re interested in.
So, here’s a prime example. If travel is something that you’re marketing, then, my friends, you surely should be printing out the Web site that has all that travel information and all the different destinations and comparing prices and stuff like that. This is called leisure time. This is leisure time; this is not your business time, this is leisure time.
Same with nutritionals. You know, if you are marketing nutritionals, then you’re obviously interested in that thing. For example, what do we see the baby boomers buying? What kind of magazines do they buy? They buy all that stuff, AARP; they buy preventative health magazines; they buy things like that that they are concerned with, and that’s what they do in their leisure time.
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They don’t sit there and open up a health magazine while they’re sitting there on their job, when they’re supposed to be working and creating results. They actually spend that time in leisure time, and that’s what I encourage you to do.
So, stay updated on the trend of what it is that you are marketing. Know how good it is, so that you completely believe in it. In fact, I want you to accumulate even documentation for your industry that supports your industry, and I’m talking about for the product or service that you’re marketing.
The statistics – it’s out there; it’s in the newspapers; it’s on the Internet; it’s in magazines; it’s in journals. I mean, it’s all over the place, and again, if that’s your point of interest, turn off Seinfeld, turn off Oprah and start pouring into yourself about what it is that you’re truly interested in. It only builds your conviction when you’ll be able to learn that kind of stuff.
And so, it’s important for you to do that. Again, this is only during your off- time hours. What you need to do after that is you need to forget it. What we also like to do is we like to include, you know, if we’re getting somebody started in – let’s say we found some information in a journal, or a magazine, or whatever, make copies of it, put it in a thank-you card that solidified the service or the product that you are marketing. All right? That solidified it.
So, you’re starting to build the belief in your client, who just purchased your product. Why? Well, they responded to some kind of advertisement; they asked a question concerning something about that, and so, therefore, we know there’s an interest there. So, you want to fill the need of the interest of wanting to know about that kind of information.
And so, you want to give them more stuff about that. Here’s a prime example – me, weight loss. Gosh, forever, I mean, I came from a family that was obese. My mother was 280 pounds; my sister, 300 pounds. Actually, both my sisters topped out at 300 pounds, and here I was, pressing 180 pounds and going in the direction of what my entire family has been in the area of weight.
I had an interest in making sure that I prevented the same cycle that was running through my whole family. So, I’ve always picked up things; I’m
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always reading things, still, even to this day, about maintaining my weight, improving my health, whether it’s – whatever, fat blockers, carb blockers.
You name it whatever there is out there to try I’m the first one to try it. You can ask my office; I’m the test guinea pig on anything concerning those types of products. Why? Because it’s an interest that I have; it’s an interest I’ve had for 17 years now, since I started in the weight loss business.
So, it’s important for you to do that; it’s important for you to feed that kind of stuff to your clients. And again, shut off the stupid television; quit chatting online unless it’s strategic for work; quit having hours and hours sucked into e-mail that does not produce anything for your business, doesn’t produce anything for helping somebody else.
Get out of that kind of nonsense. Turn all that nonsense off, open up something that is directly related to what it is that you’re marketing, and then forget it all. And here’s why, because when you know too much, you have a tendency of talking too much. And the truth is, your customer only is concerned with this, “Does it work, and will it work for me?”
The only thing that answers these questions is a story, whether it’s yours or somebody else’s, the answer to any question or objection is a testimonial, and I’ll be going through that a little bit later.
So, how do I help you with this? Let me just shore something up. You see, I encountered a young woman who had gotten started with me, and in the midst of her getting started, she was desperate; she was absolutely desperate in her life, her finances. I mean, she was living in a basement; she was charging groceries on her Master Card.
She was a college student, graduated with a health degree, and she was desperate. She was broke; she had no money, and she needed to fix some things. Well, she wound up getting started with me, and she said, “Dani, I just have to make a lot of money really fast.” Okay?
Well, let me tell you what to do. I handed her a script; I handed her a flyer. I told her to make me a list of resources of how she was interconnected in the community, people that she could start off with. If you have no money, then this is how you’re going to have to start.
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Well, she wound up mustering up $4,000.00 to get herself an inventory to start with so she could make a $2,000.00 profit right away. But she had no extra money for running some kind of ad, or whatever, and it was fine because we had a tool that she could use and a great system with scripts to be able to produce some great results, and she did.
Well, Kristin’s very first ten hours, and it was about two weeks, because she had a full-time job, she made $2,000.00. She got rid of all 40 of those weight loss programs, and she wound up helping 40 people lose weight.
Well, then Kristin got a little comfortable. Then Kristin wound up changing a few things, and you need to write this down. The worst thing about success is a little bit. Remember early on I said, “You’re going to hear some things that seem repetitive to you, and you’re going to hear some things that you may have heard on ‘Live in North Carolina’ or at a ‘First Steps to Success’”!
And what I said was, that it’s those people that are submitting themselves to repetition that are the ones that are going to master it. And why? Well, because. It’s not about what you have heard in the past that matters. It’s about what you need to hear right now that’s going to push you forward.
And sometimes the thing that you don’t think you need to hear is the thing that you needed more than anything; it’s called living in denial. And so, here was Kristin, that she had the worst thing about success, which was a little bit. She had made that first $2,000.00, and then she decided to change some things.
Well, in changing some things, she wound up changing her results. And so, knowing all the ins and outs about the product, because she had a degree: she had a degree in nutrition. So, at the end of the script, that before all she would do is tell a lot of testimonials, well, what she changed was that she started to offer up and let people know that she had a degree in nutrition.
And so, having a degree in nutrition, she says, “I can answer any of your questions, and all the rest of the people in my company, they don’t have degrees in nutrition at all, but I can even help you formulate a diet that’s
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going be able to work for you, working along with our weight loss program.”
So, she went into puffing up her education, and she went into unloading some of the information that she learned in college out on her prospects. Well, the prospects wound up saying the same thing every single time, “You know what, Kristin, that’s awesome. You know what? I need some time to think about this,” or, “I need to talk to my spouse.”
They wound up giving her some lame excuse not to make the decision right then and there. When she came to me, she said, “I don’t know what happened, but something’s gone wrong. Maybe something happened in the market; maybe people don’t care about losing weight, or maybe something just happened all of a sudden in the economy.”
I said, “Really? In the last two weeks something’s happened, huh?” We found out what it was that changed. What changed was her method changed; the system changed, because she had a little bit of success; she got a little bit cocky, and she decided to offer up more information to her clients.
So, that’s when I said, “When you go to study up on your product, or your service, or your industry, forget it.” Forget what you know. It is for your own, personal belief and conviction, and your personal belief and conviction changes the way you speak. It speaks something completely different through the authority in your tone, the authority in your voice, your body language that you truly believe.
But that information is for your eyes only, and only, too, even pass on a little bit of information to somebody else, but not to be demonstrated, going through all of the ingredients, or all the policies and procedures, or all the facts about what it is that your company has to offer in their product or service line.
The only thing that answers the questions of a prospect is a story. They want to know two things: Does it work, and will it work for me? And remember I said, “You’re not marketing a product; you’re marketing results to people”? And so, the only thing that tells that customer that is the results.
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What’s the result that tells them that your product or service works? Stories. What is the result that tells ‘em it’s going to work for them? Stories, because if it works for somebody else, it will work for them.
So, number two is to expose your product line, or your service. Well, I’m going to give you a number of different ways, but one way I’ll tell you right on in the early beginning was that I used a flyer, and then right after that, I wore a button. I even had some shirts that said, “Ask me about –” and then I had this little name that would have people ask me about losing weight, or whatever, because that’s what I was marketing at the time.
And so, I would use something on my body that would help to promote people asking me questions, just get people to ask me a question. And there are some tools available today that I did not have; however, built 20,000 reps in 2 years on a part-time basis with zero advertising.
And this happened, my friends, through what we call situational prospecting through wearing a button. I could give you countless, countless, countless stories of meeting thousands and thousands of people who ask me about a simple button – a simple button like – that says, “I’ve got a new attitude, ask me how.”
Now, that’s a real general button that anybody can wear, and it could be geared towards anything. You know, somebody can ask you a question like, “Well, why do you have a new attitude?” Okay, well, it could be that your marketing a nutritional supplement that has given you more energy, or helped you sleep better at night, and that’s going to give you a better attitude.
You market products that help intimacy between a husband and a wife. So, could you wear a button that says, “ I have a new attitude, ask me how”? Yes. You could be marketing insurance products. So could you have a new attitude about having an insurance policy that you feel really good and solid about? Sure you can.
And so, this tool that I used many, many years ago, I met thousands of people just through this very simple button that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how.” Well, let me ask you this, some of you are marketing a skin- care line.
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Well, in marketing skin, hair, or nails, is it possible that somebody that uses your product line could have a new attitude because they’re feeling better; they’re looking younger; they’re skin is doing better; they had a problem that they no longer have any more – zits all over the face, whatever? Do you understand?
So – or hair, or whatever. Whatever it is that you’re marketing, this very simple little tool that is a vague but strategic quote that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how” could be used for any product, for any service that is out there. It’s a promotional piece.
And so, I wore a big button on my clothes, and mind you that after going from homeless to making a million dollars, I did stupid things with money, which was buying a ridiculously expensive wardrobe – I had $5,000.00 suits, some of which that I designed myself and had a tailor make one piece just for me, and I’m telling you, I have holes in those clothes from wearing the button. Why? The button is what paid for the clothes.
Yeah, that tiny little – I don’t know, a dollar, what it was, $2.00, whatever the button was, $3.00, $5.00, whatever it was, it was worth it. There’s no question. For those of you that are obviously – are marketing a weight-loss program, duh, “I’ve lost –” and then have a little thing that you can insert how much weight is in there.
You’re going to get asked all the time what that is. But, “I have a new attitude, ask me how,” what a very simple, strategic tool that gets people to ask you a question, and I will show you how to answer that question here in a minute.
So, those are very powerful tool. Now, there’s three different markets, my friends, that you’re going to be marketing to, and there’s also other tools, other than just a button, that you could use to expose your business to other people. What are some of those exposure tools?
First of all, one is brochures. Brochures are a good tool, if they’re written in a form that compels people to want to try your product. Not all brochures are created equal, but even just having any kind of exposure to it – you know, it’s a good thing to have out there. It’s more of what they call image
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advertising, which is important to get the word out about what it is that you’re doing.
The other thing are drawings and contests. You know how you’ve been to fairs, or you’ve been to booths where there’s a drawing, or some kind of a contest. In fact, I’ll tell you a hilarious story. I had purchased a new home some years ago, was – had the beautiful privilege and honor of being able to go in and decorate it any way that I wanted to, which was a complete dream come true, you know, from a homeless person who grew up on poverty, to being able to live in a luxurious, beautiful home.
And there I was at Pier One Imports, cause they have some nice, fun stuff. And I’m at this store, and sure enough, there is a girl who was there, going up to set up her little pink box that had some kind of a drawing attached to it. You know, sign up now for your free whatever, free consultation, or whatever.
And so, there she was, setting up her little box, and I began to use a technique that I will teach you tonight, that actually flipped the tables. She wound up getting started in my business, still working her other cosmetic business, and using both businesses side by side each other, which they were a complement, they were not in opposite ends of the spectrum.
But, you know, people that care about their skin also care about the size of their backside, and so it was a complementary product for what she was doing. Long story short, just from that button – now mind you, I’m standing in line with my items; I’m wearing the button that says, “I have a new attitude, ask me how.”
That button can go in any direction, whether you’re marketing a business, and you can say, “I’ve got a new attitude because I have just been able to pay off debt,” or, “I’ve got a new attitude because I’ve got a plan to be able to beef up my retirement,” whatever it is, you can answer anything to that button, and I’ll show you again how to be able to answer that button.
So, here she asked me about my button. She’s setting that thing up; she asked me about my button, and I used some technique that I’ve used for years, and a system that I’ve used for years, and man, flipped that thing around. She wound up getting started with our company, marketing our
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product right alongside with her product as – and now, again, she learned how to do it successfully.
She was failing at her cosmetic business, and the tips and the techniques that she learned through our training seminars, “First Steps to Success,” the system that she learned of communication with people, she learned how to become a one-stop-shop for women, which it was a complete, wholeness of a woman, instead of focusing on just a product line, she was marketing results. And that’s what people are after.
Okay, another way to get exposure is to display your products, or your services, on your desk at your job. Simple – again, no matter what it is that you do, have those things just displayed there. I don’t care what it is. You can have something set up in the corner of your desk; no one can stop you from having something on the corner of your desk.
Most of you assume that they won’t let you, and you’ve got to stop making an idiot out of yourself by assuming they won’t let you. Hello, if you take supplements, and you’ve got your supplements on your desk to remind you to take them, they can’t stop you from doing that. Leave ‘em on the desk.
If it’s skin care, moisturizer, whatever, just leave it on the desk to remind yourself to go ahead and powder yourself up. Whatever it is that you have, leave it there, right on the desk, and display it in that way. You don’t need some big, giant, professional display.
Here’s something that you can have. You could have in those places where there’s a little bit more lenience, have testimonials attached to the product, just simple, little quotes of your clients who have used it and had these kind of results from using this in that amount of time.
Stick it to the label; stick it to the bottom of the label. Maybe even have a little sheet that has some testimonials on it, where people are going to come by, and they see a little thing stuck to the label, you know, just taped on, or whatever, that has this quick little quote testimonial of what that product has done for somebody else, it’s deadly.
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Here’s the other thing, consume your products in front of other people. I got a great story for you. I could tell you stories for hours. Consume your products in front of other people, well, real simple.
You know, I’ve had five children, and again, I’ve been a product of every product on the market for maintaining my weight and keeping my body healthy. I’ve had five men in my family die under the age of 50; most of them die in their age of 40s, all due to heart attacks or drug-related accidents.
And so, I’m a health person; I like to explore those kinds of things; I believe in it, grooming up my kid in the same fashion. They’ve taken vitamins since they were babies. But, so here’s a great idea, so, if you have a product that is a consumable product, and you use that product in front of somebody – for example, we had this little fat blocker, back when fat blockers weren’t even popular.
And so, here I would be having my menu open at a restaurant, and I’ve got my product sitting right there on the table. The waitress is coming over, and I am like going nuts on this menu, “Okay, oh my gosh, okay. I think I want a milk shake, and I think I want some French fries. Can I have them extra crisp please, and let them soak in that grease a little bit longer. And I’ll take a burger with extra cheese and some bacon and avocado. And, oh gosh, actually, I don’t know, it’s hard for me to decide.”
“Well, okay,” the waitress says, “well, let me help you.” “Well, you know, I feel so blessed because I found this stuff that takes all the fat out of the food I’m about to order, so I’m really excited, ‘cause I can eat whatever I want for the first time in my life; I don’t have to worry about doing some major diet. And so, when I get to come to a restaurant like this, I just take these little tablets, and it soaks everything up, and I get to eat it.”
Okay, well, you can all guess what happens after that. Yes, you wind up marketing; yes, you want to get a phone number; yes, you wind up building a rapport; yes, you wind up mobilizing that waitress that would have never found it if I didn’t have that product sitting out there. So, there’s one idea.
Okay, audio CDs; those are very powerful. You see, some of you have doctors representing your nutritional line that have spoken on particular
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herbs or medicines, or the downfall of the entire medical community, or whatever. You know, we have – you might have access to audios like that, certain shows, radio shows, TV shows, where this kind of information has been delivered to support what it is that you have, passing those out, leaving them everywhere.
For example, we have audios even right now, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom,” as well as, “The One Thing Stopping You.” Well, recently on some travels, working with the head of our leadership development department, Jennifer – and Jennifer, every hotel room that she sits in, she leaves a nice note for the woman that had been cleaning the room, and saying, “Thank you for doing such a great job, and here is a gift for you. Go ahead and take it and listen to it.”
So, you could do the same, exact thing. You can leave audios for a couple bucks. They’re just a couple dollars, but it helps to build some curiosity; it helps to, perhaps, get a lead. It’s a cheap lead, if you think about it. If you can get a hold of, like, for example, we have a hundred of those, “Conquering the Financial Kingdoms,” if that applies to what you do.
For example, if you are selling or marketing financial services, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom” goes along with that. If you’re marketing a business, “The One Thing Stopping You,” or even – actually, those two things are for marketing a business, or if your business is marketing financial services.
That’s just two right off the top of my head that I could think of that would apply to that, or even travel services, because it’s about money and being able to travel more, and things like that. So, that is like a couple bucks. I mean, you could get a hundred of those audios for a dollar a piece. You buy ‘em in bundles of a hundred; they’re a buck a piece.
So, it’s a hundred bucks. I don’t know about you, but have you ever purchased a hundred leads, or run an advertising campaign for a hundred dollars? Well, I do know this, the testimonials that we’ve gotten from people leaving these audios in hotel rooms, leaving the audios with a waitress, leaving the audios at your doctor’s office, your chiropractor’s office, leaving those kind of audios wherever it is that you go, leaving it and letting it spread through the school, with the teachers, and leaving it in the
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break room, sending it out as a thank you with a customer, or to existing clientele in a completely different area, these kind of things do drum up business for you.
It’s a couple bucks a piece, give me a break. So, that’s simple, stupid stuff. The other thing is joint ventures. You could do joint ventures with other people, meaning that pushing business two different ways. There might be somebody, let me think – well, first of all, it all depends on what it is that you’re marketing, and so, what I want you to do is make a list of other businesses that could benefit from your clients, and that you could benefit from their clients.
So, how do you work out a joint venture? Well, a joint venture is, okay, well, if you send business my way, I’ll send business your way. Or, it could be this, somebody winding up and being able to promote – you see this with affiliate programs on the Internet. So, with an affiliate, if they’re willing to send out an e-mail blast, you are writing up the promo, they send out the e-mail blast to their people, then you work it out to where they’re going to make a certain percentage on all the sales that come in off the net profits of that particular promotion.
That’s a joint venture; it’s, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” Simple ways to be able to come up with joint ventures, for example, there’s a script. There’s a simple script in the script book. In fact, for those of you that this is like your first time ever hearing anything that we do, we actually have scripts, where all you have to do is read.
Page 34 of the script book, in fact, some of you don’t even know what that is. If you go online right now, in fact, you should have the Web site up and available, cause I’m going to direct you to other places where you can get free information and have access to some free tools that are very beautiful.
Okay, so one of ‘em is the script book. So if you are on the Web right now, click on the tab at the very top that says “Training CDs.” You click on that, it’s going to take you to the very first thing that pops up is the script book and audios.
Well, page 34 has a full-on script of what you would say to network with professionals, where you could set up a joint venture to where it is a
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win/win; it is non-threatening; it’s non-confrontive; you don’t have to be afraid with the verbiage that you’re reading with the script.
It is so simple, and it literally opens the door for that real estate agent to want to push business your way, and you push business their way, even setting up almost in a contract, especially even in real estate. Every one of us markets something that a realtor could benefit from or even use in their gift baskets – you know, like, “Conquering the Financial Kingdom,” or whatever.
Whatever you know that it is that you want to donate samples to, with your information attached to that, and then, because the realtor was willing to push that in that direction, you give it to ‘em at cost, and then you have access to that client. Do you understand what I just said?
So, let’s just say that there’s – that you’ve made some great relationships with the realtors, who are marketing houses, or even selling houses, or bringing in new buyers. So, when they do that, they usually like to give a gift. Now, unfortunately, most of them send things like flowers, or a ham, or something.
Well, what you can do, using the script on page 34 of the script book, is you use that to develop a relationship with that real estate agent, and you push business their way; they push business your way. So, what does that look like?
“Okay, well, listen, I will give this to you at cost if I can get the name and the number of the person that just purchased the house. I just want to follow-up with the customer, make sure they’re using the product right, and they’re getting the results that they want.” It makes the real estate agent look really good, number one, that they were able to give of great value some product or service to their new buyer, okay, or their new seller. Okay, number one.
Number two, the follow-up – and as long as the way you’re approaching your real estate agent is professional, they have no problem working in that kind of a joint venture. The other thing you could set up is, “Hey, I will pay you a percentage of everything that comes in as this client sends in referrals and winds up using more of the product line.” Okay? Simple stuff.
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So, again, page 34 of the script book. It’s called, “The Networking Professional Approach.” It’s being able to do joint ventures with people in mortgage or real estate, doing joint ventures with chiropractors or doctors, doing joint ventures with people in the legal profession – you name it. You think of the profession, this script is designed to speak to that person with an outrageous closing ratio of making the deal happen, to where it is an absolute win/win situation.
Instead of you looking like a fool, and going in and trying to get somebody to do something that you want them to do, instead, you’re creating eager desire in that person to want to work with you.
Here’s another one, updates. Updates is another exposure tool. Updates like – you know, remember I was saying earlier, attaching a little thing to your product that has stories. Well, make sure you update those stories; as you get new ones, put new ones on there.
Also, updating your clients with fresh, new testimonials of other people who have been using a variety of different – if you have a large product line, or a large base of services that you can offer, then with those clients, you’re updating them. You’re letting them know, “Hey, so-and-so tried this, just to encourage you, this is what’s happened to them. If you know anybody that suffers from this, or has a problem with that, or has an issue with their agent concerning that, then this would work out really well for them.” Something like that.
Okay, last on that list is this, is your own personal list of resources. I cannot tell you how important this is. Now, I know that I’m hitting all kinds of barriers with you and pushing all kinds of buttons right now. And why? Because a) I talked to you about wearing a button, first of all.
You know, it all depends on how hungry you are. Some of you, your egos are so big that you won’t prick your little $50.00 blouse or T-shirt. If I was willing to prick a $2,500.00 jacket with a little button, you got to weigh your ego with your bank account and kind of figure out which one weighs more.
The other thing that I know I pushed some buttons on was about your own personal list of resources. Well, I know that some of you – maybe you’ve
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approached people the wrong way. Maybe you approach people aggressively. Maybe you did it totally unprofessionally. Maybe you did it in a way that made ‘em so that they didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
Maybe you sacrificed relationships. Sad – people do it every day, and that really is just because of a lack of skill, a lack of a system that produces results, lack of knowledge and understanding about how to be able to do it and do it right, to where you’re not a slimy, sick, pathetic, unprofessional, amateur sales person.
We’re not talking about raising you up to be one of those. We are talking about having a professional approach, where people are compelled and mobilized to tell other people about what it is that you have. That obviously has to be a bit different than the Kirby vacuum salesperson that came by your door just last week.
It obviously has to be a little bit different than the telemarketer that called you that you hung up on tonight. There has to be a bit of a different approach that would mobilize a group that would mobilize testimonials that would mobilize referrals. There has to be a different way, because there’s no way that it’s in the same way where you hang up on people, or you don’t want to refer any business to somebody.
Do you understand what I’m saying? There has to be a different approach. And so, this – what I’m talking to you right now, I know I already pushed some buttons with you. You’ve got to weigh your ego with your bank account, because what if you knew a way to approach your own personal list of resources, or even to approach those professionals that I just finished talking about, that there’s a script on page 34 and 35 that lays it all out for you.
There’s no thinking; all there is, is reading. That’s it. So, what if there was a way that you could learn how, in a very professional way, to mobilize people to want to give you referrals, to mobilize people to want your products monthly? And what if had nothing to do with your product that you’re marketing? What if it had nothing to do with it, meaning I have watched nasty, pathetic, terrible products make billions of dollars.
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I have also watched nasty, pathetic products fail, as well as I’ve seen phenomenal, excellent, amazing services and products that fail, at the same time watching those same excellent, phenomenal products and services do billions of dollars. What’s the difference? Wasn’t the product.
Come on, if it was all about the product and product quality, Wal-Mart would be out of business. It’s not about that. If it was only about that, then only the Nordstrom’s of the world would be in business, and that’s not the case.
So, you want to get over this thing about, “Oh, I can’t. Instead of pushing up barriers, when I’m talking about something, instead of pushing up barriers, or say, “Oh, I don’t have a list of resources; I don’t know anybody. I’m embarrassed to go talk to my friends and family about what I have.”
Well, then you obviously don’t believe in what you have, number one. Number two, you can go ahead and stay in that barrier, or you could just come to the revelation of, “Yes, I’ve done that in the past, and it did not work. Yes, I’ve done that in the past, and it was frustrating.
“And the reason why it didn’t work, and the reason why it was frustrating is because I reaped what I sowed. Because the approach that I did reaped people who were not interested. Because the approach that I used reaped people that would not return my phone calls. The approach that I sowed reaped people not giving me referrals.”
That’s because of what your current level of skill set and system that you had. We’re talking about learning a system that compels people to tell others about what you do and what you have. That’s a totally different approach.
So, what I want you to do is I want you to just go along with me, because of the time. By the time we’re done with this, you will have at least direction on what you should be doing; you’ll have some new skill sets on how to do it, and you’ll be pointed in the right direction, where you can behold a system and skill sets that you will master through time that will make you a fortune.
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Not only make you a fortune, but produce results that you can’t even keep up with, meaning you will have so many stories from so many people, you will not be able to keep up with it.
So, start with your list of resources. That list of resources for a client base needs to be at least 400 names. It is said that we are all, by the time we’re 20 years old, know 2,000 people. So 400 ain’t nothin’ to come up with.
Here is a fact. You see, a fact is that when I first got started in that business that helped me to get out of being homeless and become a millionaire, the fact is, I started as a client. That’s what I started as, actually, a customer, ‘cause this woman was clueless on follow-up.
I started as a customer, and I had purchased some weight-loss program, and here’s how it went. I started on this product, and I didn’t begin to lose anything at first. It was within the first few days that I had it, and this was before I was homeless. It was the last couple weeks, last week in November some time.
I had not yet known that my check had bounced, so, I had not yet known about my horrible husband experience. I’m sitting on a beach with four other girls. These four girls are all au pairs from Europe. They were tall, 6' something, blonde, dark skin, gorgeous women, but they all (because they had become an au pair and they’d been living in Hawaii for about a year) all had put on a good 50 pounds or more.
Well, we’re sitting around, and we’re just talking about whatever. I’m, again – I’m not in my business. I just got started on that product. I have no idea what the results are, and all of a sudden, they’re talking about New Year’s resolutions that are coming up.
So, I say to them, “Well, you know what? It’s funny that you say that. I just got started on something, and I just now started on it, but the woman that I got it from has lost 150 pounds. I don’t know how it all works, any of that kind of stuff, but all I now is she’s lost 150 pounds, and she’s helped quite a few other people lose some weight.”
And the girls came unglued. “What? Oh, my gosh. How do we find this stuff? Will you go call her for us? We need to get a hold of it, how much
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was it? I mean, how do I get it? I don’t care what the cost is; I gotta lose weight.
“I mean, January’s coming up, and I’ve got family coming from Europe and – oh, my gosh, they can’t see me like this. I’ve had to go up a couple sizes in my bathing suit, and Hawaii’s not the place to be busting out of my bathing suit. Can you – could you help me out? I mean, how do we get a hold of her?”
And I said, “Well, shoot, here’s her phone number, give her a call.” “No, no, no, no, no, please, will you call her for us?” So, we walk up the hill to get to the payphone booth, I call the woman, and I let her know that I had four referrals for her, right off the bat. She had – I said, “I got four women that would like to try this stuff.”
And she said, “Oh, really? Well, Dani, by the way, your check has bounced and you need to figure out how to pay me the $125.00. So, if you just enroll and you just sign this little document that makes you a representative of our company, you won’t owe me a dime because of the amount – the profits that you made off of each one of these packages.”
I said, “I want nothing to do with your little business, no thank you. I have these four referrals for you.” She said, “Okay, well, you’re going to have to figure out a way to pay me back the $125.00.”
Okay, then. Well, long story short, that’s how I got started. And those first four girls received that stuff. I wound up getting backed into that business because of the check that bounced, and she winds up getting these four girls started on their program, and they wind up, right away, the first week starting to see results, and they immediately start telling other people about it.
Well, right away, here I had 11 customers out of thin air, not even trying to build – this was just what? Relationship. These were people that I knew; they were girls that I met each week on the beach. Man, we used to go camping on the beach together. This was – these were friends, acquaintances, so to speak (if I had friends at that time).
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So, anyway, that’s how that worked. That worked for my own personal list of resources, as 4 turned to 11. And then there I was, destitute, going, “Okay, what do I have going for me? I guess I got this little weight loss thing; I guess I got this business thing; I might as well run with it,” and started doing some advertising and running with it and making all kinds of money.
So, start with that personal list of resources. Everything that we’ve ever done, we have started with that personal list of resources. So, I can’t encourage you enough to do that. You’d be surprised what’s there. Now, I know you’re thinking, “But, Dani, what do I say?”
Well, this is really simple because there’s a couple of different options of what you can say. In our script book, that same script book that you just saw and you clicked on, well, in there, also, there’s several different scripts for retail. One of ‘em is our test market script. The test market script is profound; it’s on page 27 as well as 28. These test market scripts are strategically for products, as well as the practice approach, either one of the practice approaches.
So, anywhere from page 27 all the way to 32, each one of these actually – 33 as well, opinion – any one of these can be used for marketing a product. The whole point is just getting face to face with that prospect.
The other thing that can be used is on page 38, as well as page 40. These scripts inside this book are geared towards retail. You can use them for building a business as well, but they were written for retail. The other one over here, page 44, is an example of a retail script, and that’s what I had done, is I developed a retail script, which I’ll go to in just a couple minutes.