Breeders and Kennels:
Are you only interested in feeding and recommending? Or perhaps you are interested in doing BOTH feeding/recommending AND building your business? This page will cover the details for feeding and recommending Life's Abundance in your current breeding/kennel program:
STEP 1: Set Up Commission Payment AND Register for Breeder/Kennel Program
1. Set up your Commission Payment Option
2. Register for our Breeder Program and get your first monthly auto ship order set up.
2. Register for our Breeder Program and get your first monthly auto ship order set up.

dog-breeder-program__1_.pdf |

cat-breeder-program.pdf |
STEP 2: Getting Your Puppy/Kitten Buyers on Life's Abundance
a. Marketing System, Business Cards, Team Community & Training Calls
- Click Here to get started with the Top Dog System today!
- Get your system for only $1 for the first month. The coupon code is: 1month
- When you have 4 people using the Top Dog System at your recommendation you will get your system for free. Click Here to email John Albrecht a list of these 4 people and that you have met the requirement to get your system for free.
- Get Your Business Cards by following these steps:
- Go to and purchase your unique Domain Name.
- Forward this Domain Url to your Healthy Pet Landing Page.
- Use this Domain Url to order your Business Cards at
- Click Here to request to join our Team Facebook Page
- Mark your Calendar and Join our Weekly Team Training Calls:
*Zoom Live Here: Meeting ID: 590 245 1645
b. Setting up your Nutrition Page and Emails
- Visit for a Nutrition Page Template to get started with YOUR nutrition page!
- Visit to see what I send my puppy parents when pups are 6 weeks old.
Earn Money Helping Your Puppy Families with this Online Puppy Training Program
How to enroll Customers and RepsClick Here to learn how to enroll customers and reps
Earning $500/month and up to 6 Figures |
Helpful Resources and Training ToolsClick Here for Back Office Training, Tips, FAQ and much more!
How to Train Your TeamClick Here to learn how to train your team of reps
Breeder Panel Discussion |
Boarding Kennel Interview |
Helpful Documents:
All documents are in Microsoft Word Format

breeder_contract_template.docx |

past_puppy_buyer_template_final.docx |

how-to-get-your-puppy-buyers-on-lifes-abundance.docx |

puppy_buyer_email_template_current.docx |
Email Campaign for Puppy Buyers
SUPER IMPORTANT: Be sure to replace all Life's Abundance links in the emails below to YOUR Life's Abundance links so the YOU get the credit for your sales!!!

email_1.docx |

email_2.docx |

email_3.docx |

email_4.docx |

email_5.docx |

email_6.docx |

email_7a.docx |

email_7b.docx |

email_8_.docx |